A Much Loved Fight.

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A small but sharp knife was held firmly in Jessica's hand, and two swords carefully strapped to her back as she stood behind the next victim in the alley way. He had made a circle with his criminal mates around a screaming woman, who had been thrown carelessly to the floor. Like Jessica herself, he held a knife in his hands but his was poorly looked after; rust decorated the left side of the blade . The man was staring at the man opposite him, following the order, he thrust forward to harm the shrieking woman. But stopped,

" Ya know I see five dick heads, that the police are just gonna hate," She said and the man stopped in his tracks and turned quickly around only to be skilfully stabbed with the evilly shining knife in the top half of the arm.

As one of the other muggers jumped forward to attack Jessica she punched upwards and hit him in the face.

She always did this, beat criminals up. Jess pulled one of them forwards and stabbed him in the chest and left the knife there as she kicked him in the stomach making him fly backwards a little. Then she quickly unstrapped the small swords from her back holding onto the hilt tightly and stabbed the man behind her and cleverly kicked the other in her front in the face.

When most of the thugs were lying down on the floor groaning she watched as the leading mugger backed up against the graffiti covered wall with the knife of his in the bloodstained hands pointing at her. Jessica used her sword tip to flick it out of his hands, she had come across this guy before, he pointed a finger at her showing a finger with no tip, she had recently severed it. His hands were shaking with fear.

Jessica finished him off by hitting him in the face with a stick she found next to him, his head slammed against the wall and he became unconscious.

Jessica had finished with these people and helped the woman up. At first the woman was scared and continued to shake allowing fear to consume her, after watching what Jessica had just done, but then Jess grabbed her hand and pulled her up with the woman covering her face, not wanting it to get hurt.

The woman climbed to her feet with Jessica's help. " Are you hurt?" She asked.

The woman had said 'no' and Jessica had quickly examined her, she had torn clothes with grazed skin underneath and tangled hair with the occasional piece of rubbish knotted into it from being on the ground but nothing major like a sprained wrist or broken arm.

"Do you know these people?"

She shook her head after looking worriedly around at the unconscious and wounded men lying on the littered floor.

Jessica muttered a sign of 'good' then ran off speedily down a little lane coming off of the alley way.

Jess carried on running until she reached a calm street and hid in the trees, she took off her black mask that covered her deep brown eyes and slipped it into her green jacket that she fought in. Without her jacket she had a bulletproof vest on, only to be taken off revealing a normal everyday top. Jess sprinted out of the foliage and to the nineteenth house and climbed the wall by the little wooden pegs she stabbed into the cement when it was wet. She snuck into her room and kept the green, cotton tights and skirt on , she threw her stuff under her bed before unlocking her door for her bedroom which her parents were knocking on. Jessica swung open the door and looked at her parents.

"Wow that took you a long time to answer!" her father had said.

"Yeah, the door was stuck, I mean the lock, yeah the lock was stuck." she lied doing it very badly as she lies very rarely.

"Really? Well we called and you didn't answer so you couldn't have been near the door, because then you would have really heard us!" her mother was clever and could always tell when she was lying, well it wouldn't have been hard, and asked questions to make sure that she was knowing it. Jess pulled a guilty face and looked down. If she told her parents she knocked some muggers out wearing a bullet proof vest and a mask they would go mad even if they did believe her.

"So do you wanna tell us where you really were?" her father chimed in always wanting to have the power that Jess's Mum had over her.

Jess started racking her brains for an excuse then said ...

"I had been listening to music on my phone that is why I didn't hear you, OK! " she had been told that she was banned from her phone for some reason mixed into a lecture she didn't really listen to. Jessica didn't care as she never used her phone and was not addicted to it like the other girls were at school but her phone did come in handy for excuses when she had been fighting criminals, that was probably why she was not allowed to go on it anymore.

"OK, I think you need to be punished how about no leaving your room for two months! Apart from school and meals that is!" her Mum said firmly.

After arguing she noted that it was no good so she just thought to herself that she would sneak out of her window like usual ; she only argued because it would look too suspicious if she agreed.

Her Mother continued to explain about the punishment then realised that Jess's phone was lying on the table near the door on her room “Phone, now!" she said holding her hand out with the palm facing up, ready for the phone to be placed inside of it. Jessica sighed as she gave her mother the phone.

Back at school the next day, Jessica walked up the stairs to her first class. Whilst waiting for her English teacher, Mr. Howard, to start the lesson she noticed that two of the popular girls in the year were staring her way. But that wasn't different, people always stared at her like she was a mad person. Their faces plastered with shock and a lot of makeup. Finally Mr. Howard showed up and began the lesson. After that the time passed slowly like always at school but at lunch she would sneak into the gym and train and that time passed by like a bullet shot from her gun. But everyday she would climb out of her window and look for any criminals breaking law.

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