11 - Proper riding

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The next morning after breakfast, Louisa walked briskly along the path leading to the back of her house.

Not one moment too soon had she left the dining room that had turned into a true viper's nest. Her ears still burned after the dreadful fight that had arisen when Lord Hiddleston had once again attempted to dismiss himself early. Of course her presence had once again been the main subject of the argument. The earl kept berating his son for not taking properly care of his new wife and Lord Hiddleston had once again used a colourful variety of superlatives that were in no way flattering.

What Louisa wanted now was a reckless gallop through the fields and she could not get to the stables and her mount soon enough.

Turning the corner, the stables came into view and Louisa strode even faster along the path.

A few of the stable boys turned to take a look at the tall woman hurling past them but Louisa was not in the mood to greet anyone who was not necessary. She did feel a pang of guilt at her utter lack of courtesy towards the workers but she longed to get mounted as quickly as possible.

Great was her relief when she saw Mr. Richards standing in the courtyard with the reins of a horse in each hand. One was Heiress and the other was a dark brown, almost black horse.

A second man stood beside Mr. Richards, holding a gorgeous, blazing red chestnut. He was far younger than Mr. Richards, perhaps a little younger than Lord Hiddleston, but his uniform clearly demonstrated that he was one of the two secondary coachmen.

When Louisa reached them, both men bowed politely to her. The younger coachman, however, dipped slightly less than the elder.

Louisa nodded to both men and turned to Mr. Richards. "Good morning, Mr. Richards. Thank you for having Heiress ready for me."

The rather morose head coachman gave a polite nod. "It was the request of her Ladyship. The mare is ready for the rest of the morning."

Then he turned to the second coachman. "Lady Hiddleston, may I introduce you to our second coachman, Mr. Jansen?"

The coachman did another rather shallow bow. It peeved Louisa to see such insolence from a servant right after her disastrous breakfast, but she decided to ignore it for now and merely nodded prettily like any fine lady.

Then she went to Heiress and gave the pretty mare a moment to sniff her hand before she caressed its massive head. "Hello Heiress," she cooed gently, stroking the lock on its forehead. "I'm so glad to see you today."

Heiress answered back in kind by blowing softly through her nostrils and butting her muzzle into Louisa's shoulders.

"I'm sorry," Louisa laughed as she kept stroking the horse. "I know I'm being terribly impolite, but I forgot to bring any treats this morning."

After a few more strokes, she turned to the two men waiting for her. To her it appeared rather excessive. "Mr. Richards, I know your primary assignment is the countess. I am perfectly fine riding out with Mr. Jansen if needed."

Mr. Richards simply shook his wrinkled head. "I have been assigned to accompany your Ladyship this morning. Neither would I suggest riding out on your own with a single male companion."

Louisa felt her ears getting warmer for the second time that day. Of course setting out with only one other man would be considered indecent, especially if he was about the same age as the man she had just wed. It had under no circumstances been her intention to make any cause for slander as she had only thought that two coachmen might be more than merited.

She did not need this reprove so soon after receiving it from Lord Hiddleston.

She fought down her embarrassment and smiled at Mr. Richards, attempting to regain the upper hand. "Indeed not, Mr. Richards. I should have made myself a bit more clear. I merely believed that it would already implicate that another from the stables would accompany us, thus giving you time for more important matters."

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