Again we looked from one to the other, still shocked.

" There were no biscuits either".   Norman went on, "Comes to something when you can't even offer a biscuit to someone to have with their tea coz some greedy git as eaten them all, with no thought for me or anyone else come to that". 

"Oh God".   Marcus's voice sounded desperate.

" Maybe I should go out now and get some".  Norman went on, "Now that you lot are here, didn't want to leave him on his own now did I.........I mean doesn't look good does it, going off and leaving someone like him on his own while I went out to get biscuits ". 

"Fuck the biscuits!".    Marcus suddenly yelled.    "Where the bloody hell is Alan now?".   He said, panic in his usual calm sounding voice.

Suddenly, a tall figure wearing a brown jacket, a crisp white shirt and grey trousers,  silently seemed to appear before us and looked down a big, hooked shaped nose.

We all stared at him, almost in awe.

"Mr, Rickman!".  Marcus said, his voice now almost a whisper.

Alan Rickman, famous movie star and now our new Director was standing right there in front of us. A slight smile gracing his lips as he had very obviously heard Marcus's little outburst.

"Look, sorry............we weren't expecting you so".  
Poor Marcus, he didn't know what to say as the big man stood before him.

"The fault lies purely with me".  He spoke slowly in his low, deep, baritone voice.  "I merely arrived early to take a look around, get my bearings, so to speak". 

We all stared at him unable to say anything.

" I do hope you haven't minded too much".   He went on.

Again we stood in silence, just staring at him.
To be honest, I for one,  could not believe that he was actually standing there in front of us....... apologising.

He suddenly cleared his throat and reached into the inside pocket of his jacket and produced a set of keys.

"Ummm........Hugo let me have these, I presume they are a spare set, should I hand them back to you now?".   He asked looking directly at Marcus.

Marcus swallowed hard beside me, not knowing what to say, as it now became clear to us all that Mr. Alan Rickman, movie star, had just let himself in.

"Maybe I'll just hang onto them for a bit then".   Alan spoke having not got a reply from any of us, and proceeded to place the keys back inside his jacket pocket

To be honest, I think we were all pretty much in shock at just being faced with someone as famous as Alan Rickman and actually seeing him standing there, in front of us, well........ we were all rather stuck for words.

Norman, who was still standing alongside us, gave a muffled cough.

"Well............I'll just go and get these biscuits then".   He said, breaking the silence and I noticed Alan smiling at him as the grumpy little man opened the door and quickly made his exit.

I also noticed Beth looking at Alan as if he was some kind of God or something, then her cheeks started to go pink as she then began to speak to him.

"Perhaps we should introduce ourselves".   She said, clasping her hands tightly in front of her.
Rarely had I seen Beth so preoccupied with someone, other than herself, and it sort of surprised me somewhat.

"That would be nice".    Alan replied, very slowly and deliberately with a smile still etched on his face.

"Well.........".     Said Beth, pushing her hands towards her chest in emphasis,  "My name is Beth Fanshaw and I've been with this company for just over 3 years. Prior to that I worked at The Camden and in this particular production I play Rebecca Penfold". 

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