It wasn't ideal, sleeping in the living room like this but it was a small price to pay for all the benefits that I enjoyed.
The flat was situated, not far from both the theatre and Jose's restaurant, the two places that I worked, so I had no transport worries at all for I could just walk between the two.
Also, with the three of us here, the cost of the rent and all the other bills were considerably lowered , when split three ways.

For me it had worked out fairly well, although it would have been nice to have my own space, but beggars can't be choosers and all that, and  I was just happy to be able to have Marcus's very kind hospitality.
Even if his long term flat mate wasn't as keen and very often showed it too!

I sat up slowly and pushed a hand lazily through my long, tangled hair, pretending that I had not heard their conversation just now, concerning Alan's new appointment as our new theatre director for this play.
It was quite obvious to me that there would be a world of difference between the way he was going to do things and the way that Hugo had worked. There had to be, otherwise, why would we even bother having him.
Alan would have a wealth of film as well as theatre experience behind him, so it was just up to us to learn from him and do the best we can.

As for me falling a part, a little bit during our last few rehearsal's before Alan took over, well I thought I was pretty much justified to have a bit of a wobble, as long as I got my act together, so to speak, before he started.

Better to have it then and not when he's actually in charge. Especially if he's as bad as they are all saying he is!

"Ahh.........It awakes".    Marcus smiled.
As I gave a fake stretch and a yawn.

"Don't be long".   He went on,  "We don't want to be late now". 

I looked down at the burnt piece of toast and the weak cup of tea that had been placed on the coffee table beside me and winced.
Strong tea and lightly browned toast was how I liked my breakfast. Marcus had successfully been able to get it wrong yet again, although I appreciated the thought.

" I'd better skip breakfast then".   I smiled, swinging my legs around and getting off the sofa bed   "And go straight for a shower instead"

"I don't think there's any hot water left".  Beth said looking at me from over the top of her coffee cup.  "You see we've both had showers earlier this morning whilst you were still asleep"

I glared at her.
It didn't seem to matter to her that I was late in from an exceptional busy shift of washing up over at Jose's last night.
To be honest, she seemed to relish in making things particularly awkward for me.

"I'll stick the emersion on quickly for you".  Marcus said getting up.  "You've got to look your best for Mr. Rickman now haven't you". 

My stomach twisted at his words, then I looked over at Beth who seemed to be grinning at me in a way that made me think that she actually wanted me to fail.

Marcus, Beth and I arrived at the Royal Rose Theatre early together, despite my shower trauma.
A cold shower does wonders for helping you to feel wide awake and invigorated.

But as we arrived, we were met by the stony, pinched face of Norman Henshaw, rolling his small beady eyes at us.

"Hi Norman".  Marcus breezed, ignoring the lithe man's obvious annoyance at us.

"Yes, sorry we're early". Chirped in Beth,  "We want to get things sorted before Mr. Rickman arrives". 

"He's already here".  Norman answered, in his usual deadpan manner.

We all looked at one another in surprised shock.

"Been here over an hour he has".  Norman went on, his voice Mona tonal   "I had to make him two cups of tea in that time". 

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