Marcus Flint smirked at her as of she had told him an amusing joke.

"Mudblood." Flint said straining the word so she would hear it clear.

Nina had to pretend she wasn't hurt by the harsh name. She had never been called that word and honestly thought she never would. Her eyes were threatening to start crying and her throat holding a lump. But she managed to hold it in. What came next was a bit creepy.

She laughed at Marcus. The sound coming from her like that of something that you would hear in a psychiatric ward.

"You ignorant son of a bitch!" she pulled out her wand and pointed it directly at Flint, the boy flinched.

"Nina, don't!" George stepped in on her left side.

"As much as he deserves it," Fred said calmly on her right side, slowly lowering her wand arm. "He's not worth it."

The twins glared at the Marcus but Nina's stare was much more deadly.

Helena held her wand beside her and turned her heels and went to grab her things from the spot where she had been working.

The rest of the class was watching her every move, surprises that she was leaving in the middle of a class.

Marcus Flint regained his superior self and chuckled at the girl's outburst. "Love to watch you leave, Rosemund!" he yelled at her slowly clapping behind her.

Helena swiftly pointed her wand at him, "Pretificus Totalus!"

The boy's body immediately froze making him fall to the ground right on his face. Helena kept walking.

Class ended after Angelina Johnson explained to Hagrid why Marcus Flint was stiff like a board on the ground when the teacher came back. The half-giant sent the Slytherin to the Hospital Wing and wanted to find his other student but the Weasley twins volunteered for the job heading back to the castle while the rest of them went to their respective next class.

Fred and George didn't mind being late to their next class, it wouldn't be the first time if they were. So there they went, searching for the girl who had stormed off and luckily, it didn't take too long to find her.

There she was.

Sitting on a bench in a corridor that lead to McGonagall's office. Helena was resting her head on the wall behind her with her eyes closed shut, fidgeting with her fingers over her lap.

The twins turned to each other before approaching the girl, unsure if it was okay to talk to her in that moment.

Fred cleared his throat to not startle her. Nina opened her eyes giving away the fact that she had been crying before they reached her. The boys took a seat next to her, one on each side.

"Hey, Nina." Fred said softly.

"Wanna talk?" asked George with the same softness.

Helena blinked a few times to keep in some tears and looked at her wrestling fingers, making her hands into fists to stop her from doing it. She took a deep breath.

"I-I... umm, I told McGonagall what happened," she muttered.

They stayed silent for her to continue.

"I told her that I didn't want to put Hagrid in a tricky spot for my behaviour and that-" she sighed, thinking. "No one should be called that awful word."

Fred and George nodded in agreement. "He deserved that," they said together.

Helena snorted making both of them smile with relief that she was not totally beaten down about it.

To Hell ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now