chapter 4

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Tessa pov

"Sorry William but this is the best outfit." Tessa said after she caught Will staring at her dress with his blue eyes as big as saucers.

Her dress was nothing inappropriate,but it was old, very old she had wore this for every holiday since she was 15 so it was 9 years old. It used to be pretty, but time has taken its toll, the blue velvet has started to fall off,the fake diamonds were now tainted with rust.

She had never been on a date before so she did not know what to wear. (Her dress was semi formal so it should be fine.)

Her plan now was to make herself as undesirable as she could. That way Will would dump her and he would be out of her life. After all she was one of the many girls or boys(rumor has it) that Will was with.

Will sighed with annoyance. "No Tessa I'm not concerned about your dress I mean not really that concerned what I'm concerned about is that there are children tagging along on our date." Will said gesturing to Lucie and James.

"I have no one to look after them since this date is very short noticed Anyways we are going to a restaurant not a strip club so it would be fine."

Tessa said. The truth was Tessa brought them with her ,because with them with her,Will would not dare to do inappropriate stuff to her and it had been so long since the children ate proper hot cooked food usually they ate instant food or bread. Tessa knew they were sick of it. Besides Will was loaded with money, a meal wouldn't do any harm to his 10 billion dollars in his bank.

"I'm afraid me and Jamie have not introduced ourselves yet. My name's Lucie Gray and this is my twin brother James Gray, pleasure to meet you Mr Herondale." Lucie offered her hand and Will shook it looking amazed. Lucie had a British accent although she was American and had never set foot on the UK,James too which made Tessa wondered if their accents were inherited. Lucie and Jamie were smart ,in fact they just started to read Percy Jackson which was meant for a 12 year old not a little 7 year old to read.

James was standing at the corner eyeing Will with a watchful golden eye which were described by his friends to be lit by "infernal fires of hell". James was often teased and laughed at at school because of his peculiar golden eyes but Tessa found them to be beautiful just like how his father was beautiful. Lucie was usually the confident and louder one while James was the more shy one who rarely talked and usually kept to himself.

"How old are you Lucie?" Will asked looking stunned at the brown haired little girl who was no more than 4 foot 7 inches.

"Seven. I heard all about you Mr Herondale, Mother used to keep tabs about you on her phone,pardon me for saying this but are you planning to um say court Mother?" Lucie said looking at the floor.

Will smiled he was truly beautiful, clean shaven ,dark slightly curly hair which was always messy(and was somewhat attractive) ,blue eyes not the normal sky blue but a dark blue which was a rarity. So far he had not noticed Jamie which was a relief to Tessa since he looked so much like Will, James had a way of blending in with shadows not literally of course but he could stay silent for long periods of times,that even sometimes Tessa forgot he was there. Jamie often used his 'talent' to skip class which he did almost every month.

"Yes Lucie don't tell your Mother but I'm courting her and some day I hope I would marry her and be your father." Will said into Lucie's ear loud enough for Tessa to hear. Lucie giggled uncontrollably.

Only if he knew the irony of this Tessa thought.

"Oh yes but so as to warn you father could I call you Father,Mr Herondale? Do not break her heart if you do I would come after you." Lucie cautioned

Will smiled "Oh no I wouldn't,don't worry dear Lucie. And yes you could call me Father, Lucie." Will said. Although Tessa knew he was not joking,she wondered if he meant anything he had said.

"After you my lady." Will opened the door to his black Porsche and bowed like how a Victorian gentlemen would.Tessa sat on the passenger seat uncomfortably.

She felt the awkward tension hanging in the air as Will drove to their destination.


bonus snippet down below:

"I told you! I bloody told you not to break her heart and now you have shatter it to a million pieces!" She screamed her sky blue eyes flaring with anger.


An: so how do y'all think of the chapter and the snippet? Who did you think said that?!(in the snippet, review/comment i want to know what you guys think ) On your way out leave a review pls it would make the world to an and would encourage me to update faster.

Love ya


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