Know Thy Worth

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By 1987 young conscious males and females, had flocked by the droves to # 1 A Mucurapo Road Masjid(Mosque).

This parcel of state land, was given to the Islamic Missonary Guild,  by the then P.N.M government.

The Guild eventually giving the land to its present owners.

Knowing the value of land, the Imam started to develop this jewel. Along with  founding members, built houses, a supermarket and other businesses on the compound.

Which cause the community to be self sufficient and independent.
One of the tenants of Islam is like for your brother, what you like for yourself.

Apart from the unstable economic status and building civil tension.

We had another serious problem, of epic proportions to deal with. The drug trade .

So apart from protesting, the Imam seeing first hand the effects of this curse. After being duped into guarding a container of drugs by the elite, not knowing what was in it until it was opened.

He and his follower decided  to take matters into their own hands, the Imam led a drive to clean up the streets from this blight.

He and his men would go to drug blocks,  literally seize the cocaine  and destroy it.

He then would then encourage and personally help these young "black" males, who most were living below the poverty line to change their ways.

Part of this help was also either getting jobs for them,  or  providing the seed money to fund their business.

If not all the " Community Leaders", most of them accepted Islam and became Muslims.

Learning to live a pure life of serving Allah in every action and aspect of their life.

The once small community, was now expanding by leaps and bounds.

With 50 or more conversions every Friday after Juma ( Friday congregational prayers).

Imam Abu bakr   was becoming a house hold name.

With every one who had a grievance, with the powers that be coming to him for help

So respected he was,  that once he sent for you. You had no choice but to go.

The Government realizing that he controlling the ground had to get back the support they once had.

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