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'My daughter you know I didn't go to school. I don't want you to end up like me or your mother.
Please promise me you will take your education serious.' These were the words grandpa always tell Akua his first daughter every evening after supper.

Akua was and still is a very beautiful lady. Her smile glooms bright like the stars with those beautiful white teeth and sleepy eyes.
Growing up as the first born amongst three siblings was a difficult task taking into consideration the background of the family.
Granpa was a cook at a senior high school and grandma was down with ailment. Things were really tough for the family especially Akua.
She had to take care herself and her siblings as well.

In school, she was very brilliant and all her teachers liked her but punctuality and absenteeism was her number problem.
She never saw anything good in herself because of her background.
She was always sad, timid, and emotionally traumatized. All she could think of was her family especially a younger brother and a baby sister.
Despite being brilliant, she loved to sacrifice her education for her younger ones. She became a mother to her siblings and a wife to grandpa as well.

That wasn't what granpa wanted for his first girl. He wanted the best of education for her.
Through the hard times, she gradually made it through form four grade.
Grandpa still believed in his little girl so he told her to go up north where education was less expensive due to the northern scholarship to further her education.
Akua obliged and left with joy and happiness.

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