chapter five

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Georgia Melbrook POV

An hour past and there was no way we were going to get out of here.

"There is no way we're getting out" Sam says, sighing. He's been trying to knock down that door for ages.

"Sam, we need to get out! My mom is going to kill me" I say, frowning. My mom wouldn't be as mad about me getting locked in here but she'd be curious why Gilinsky and Johnson weren't here also.

"I've tried, Georgia"

It was really cold in here and I doubt we weren't going to get food until the next morning.

"Where are going to sleep and where is the heating?" I ask.

"How am I meant to know? I don't spent my time in the acting stadium" Sam chuckles. He wraps his arms wrap around my waist, "We can keep each other warm" He smiles as he leans over and kisses my cheek.

I watch as he pulls off his jacket and wraps it around me, "Sam.. no.." I sigh. He had nothing but a shirt on and I didn't want him to get cold.

"Keep it "He reassures me, "We can sleep on the chairs here since it's probably the most comfortable we're going to get"

I nod, agreeing. He grabs onto my hand and leads me down to the front row of the chairs, "Sam, my mom is going to kill me"

I take a seat and he takes a seat next to mine, "Just go to sleep and we'll worry in the morning" He smiles.


I spent about an hour trying to make myself comfortable, "This isn't working"I groan as I keep moving. It was so uncomfortable.

"Sit down on my lap and lay your legs on the other chair" Sam tells me.

"Like a little baby?" I chuckle.

"We'll your acting like one so it'll work out fine" He jokes.

I roll my eyes, laughing as I get off the chair and sits on his lap. I rest my legs on the other chair and my head on his shoulder, "Better?" He asks as he wraps his arms around me and holds me close.

"Much" I tell him. It was a little more comfortable and it felt a lot safer. He smiles at me.

I close my eyes and fall asleep.


Next day;

"Georgia Rose Melbrook!" I hear a loud pitch scream. Shit it was my mother.

I open my eyes and realise we were still in the stadium, "Mom? How did you get here?" I yawn. Sam wakes up too.

"More like how did you get here!" She rushes over and pushes me off of Sam,"Where is the other boys?"

"They're at Magcon, Miss" Sam tells her, "We got locked in here last night"

My mom didn't look to pleased, "Sam, your mom is going to be too happy when she finds out" Mom grabs both of our hands and drags us out of the stadium, "That lovely Kayden boy told me you were in here"

"He isn't lovely, mom" I spat as I roll my eyes. I felt her grip on my arm tighten. My mom adored Kayden so much, "We aren't together anymore"

"I know that! He told me that you broke up with him"

We get outside and she let's go of Sam and I's grip, "He cheated on her, Miss" Sam tells her.

"No he never. You broke up with Kayden for no reason" Mom opens the jeep door and forces us both into the backseat, "No one is good for you are they, Georgia?"

She was being such a bitch right now and embarrassing me infront of Sam,"He wasn't good for her, miss Melbrook" Sam tells her. He glances over at me and smiles. Less someone was on my side.

"Sam , your falling for her stupid lies again" My mom scoffs as she starts the car and begins driving.

I didn't speak the whole ride. I felt like bursting into tears specially after the way she's embarrassing me infront of Sam, "Sam, Georgia is grounded so could you please go home?" Mom says as she parks infront of our house.

"Miss, it was my fault tha-" He begins.

"Sam, leave"Mom orders.

I give Sam a 'it's okay' look and he steps out the jeep, "I'm grounded. I get it. No need to shame me infront of Sam "I spat as I watch Sam walk into his house.

"Sam Wilkinson really? I like him but I've known the boy since he was a kid and he's a double of Gilinsky" Mom says, "Go back to Kayden, Georgia"

That made me angry. How dare she?

I get out the car and slams the door. I rush up the my room and shuts the door.

did she really just say Kayden was better and Sam wasn't good enough for me?

(Author note; this chapter wasn't good so sorry! Comment what you think so far)

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