My Spider Senses Come In Handy , Quite Often .

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Spidey-Senses Work Everytime
Synopsis: Michelle finds out that Peter is Spider-Man . Peter is out on patrol one night and hears someone crying , he finds out it's Michelle .

  Michelle slid down the front door of her home , mouth still gaped of shock . She had noticed something suspicious had been happening with Peter and his constant disappearing, but she thought it was problems with his Aunt May or helping Ned . But as Peter was walking with her to get some history books from his locker , curiosity got the best of her and she noticed the familiar multi-colored suit . The sleeve was visible in between his AP World history book and English textbook . At first , she thought it could of been a costume , but dismissed the thought because Peter rarely talked about Spider-Man since he always walks away before the person asks him about his latest act of heroism . She remembered the look of confusion on her friends face , and put on a smile as her gaze immediately switched from the sleeve to Peter's face . That event happened hours ago , but the suspicion never left her mind . Peter Parker , her dorky , Star-War loving , tech obsessed , close friend was the heroic Spider-Man . The same Spider-Man that risks his life every night to save the citizens of New York City . She knows how caring Peter can be , and that's what scared her . He would do absolutely anything to save anyone , especially those he cared about . Michelle got up from the floor , and walked to her bedroom , only to find herself turning on the television . You would figure that once a girl finds out about her friend being a super hero , an almost avenger , that it would be the coolest thing ever . But , Michelle almost felt the need to be quiet , not saying a word . She didn't want to see Peter get hurt , even though she shows it rarely , she does care for the boy . A lot , if she may add . She wanted to protect him , and even if she doesn't have any special powers of her own , that doesn't stop her from worrying about him. She settles herself at the edge of her neatly sheet-covered bed , and began to think of the dangerous acts , Peter has done , over the course of the few months . When he saved her friends from the collapsing elevator , the amazing strength he showed when he held a Staten Island ferry together . Her hands covered her mouth , as she gasped . She began to remember why Peter stayed home the next day...he must of been so hurt . The information must of been too hard to wrap her head around , because tears began streaming down her face . She let her messy hair down from its horrible pony-tail and let the tears fall freely as she hid under the covers . She felt horrible for knowing Peter's secret , but she felt even worse for allowing him to risk his life . She knew that Peter was doing what was right , but now knowing that it was him in all those news reports , knowing the constant "life or death " situations was happening to the boy she cared most about . She loved him . You never want to see the person you love most , get hurt and that's what made her heart break , because that's what Peter tries to avoid but always ends up coming to school the next day , with scratches and bruises . It all made sense now. She didn't want him risking his life .

Peter was doing his usual patrol around the city , being careful to stay alert of any robberies or the usual car crashes . The usual noise of New York , wasn't so different from its usual days . The honking taxi's , the constant voices of thousands of people living their lives . After patrolling for about an hour or so , it was getting later in the evening , around 11pm . Aunt May was on a work trip in Boston . She recently got a job at a cafe , which happens to have multiple cafes around the state . So almost like a Cafe-chain . And the one in Boston , was the busiest so May took the temporary position over there for a week . So that meant , more time being Spider-Man . Which he adored so much . So he sat down on a near-by building ledge to catch his breath and give his web-shooters a chance to re-make some webs . When lazy days rolled around for the hero , he shot webs around the city just to cruise and smile down at local patrons . He was debating to take off his mask but the risk was truly too risky . Even thought he was thousands of feet in the air , an airplane or helicopter could easily spot him . He's a red and blue latex-suited hero with a black spider imprinted on his chest to identify himself. He was super paranoid about it . Ever since , Tony Stark wanted to add Peter to the avengers team , and watched as the boy denied him , Peter was working tremendous hours to make himself better . He would go to the gym and just try to make himself stronger . But , of course , when you get bit by a experimental spider with abilities to change you into a half spider , then you can't get any stronger . Peter was kicking his feet to try and hope for a crime to just appear out of thin air . Since his aunt distanced herself for a week , he wanted to use the time to his advantage . Make sure , he gets the risky and dangerous adventures out the way so May won't be able to see it . She's hesitant with her nephew being a superhero , but has always been cool about it ever since she saw Peter wear the suit in his room and talk with Stark about it's new improvements . And surely, Peter won't forget the cursing of his Aunt May as she looked at him with pure shock and astonishment . He smiles to himself , but the thought ended soon enough , when he hears a cry of some sort . His spider senses kicks in , as he's looking around trying to get a better sound out of the potential victim . His eyes shrink , adding the ability of the spider sense . He mumbles to himself , wondering where the sound could be coming from . But being that downtown Queens , isn't such a quiet place , it was difficult to pick up on the soft cries . It was amazing how far , Peter could hear from . That ability has always been his favorite , he could even hear something from over 500 feet away if he really concentrated enough . The soft cries soon turned into a sob and he realized it wasn't coming from the busy streets . He looked down and noticed multiple apartment buildings . Peter didn't even realize he was on the Michelle's street , he must of been so comfortable with swinging around . He could still hear the cries , and it got to the point where he wanted to go a bit insane . He didn't notice his feet picking up pace , but then he focused in on his thoughts to try and find out why . But his confusion , soon turned into concern . What if it was his friend Michelle? Which he wanted to stop calling a friend , he couldn't deny the chemistry between them anymore . The constant teasing of their hands rubbing together , or the sneaky smiles they would send eachother . But his favorite , the multiple drawings of Peter "in crisis" . It was always so hilarious to him , of how many times he's seemed to have a problem . With his chemistry homework or probably just being a super hero . But he now knew the whole reason behind his constant dilemma . It was the girl that lived on these streets , the girl that believes she's invisible but stands out to the whole crowd in his eyes , the crazy curly mess of hair , that she thinks she can't do anything about , but all Peter wants to do is run his hands through it for hours on end . He stopped thinking about the girl , long enough to concentrate at the physical matter at hand . Saving this person from danger , or possibly a break-up . The sob didn't sound deep or sorrowful , it sounded muffled and tired . Even though Spider-Man is a crime fighting teenager , that doesn't mean he can't save another teenager from whatever problem they might be facing . That's the Peter Parker side of the hero . He knew he was getting closer , he heard the cries get a bit louder , and they were coming from Michelle's building . The concern in his mind , now traveled to his heart , knowing there's a possibility of it being his girl . His hearing was now compatible with his spider senses , so his suit made its eyes shrink and focus on one room in particular. He noticed the too-familiar book quotes on the window , and his heart sank . He wondered why Michelle would be crying at this hour , and he prayed to god it wasn't another sad ending to a book . He mumbled into the suit , about turning his spidery-senses off for now . He didn't want to focus on anything else but the girl he was about to greet . He knocked on the window softly , and still with his senses turned off , he could hear the blankets being brutally taken off by Michelle. She didn't sound happy , and that made Peter disappointed. He'd always try to make her feel better , and tonight wouldn't be different . Michelle heard the window being knocked on , and sat up before walking slowly to her bedside window . She had thought it was a bird pecking on her window , however , it usually happened around 4 in the morning . Even with the strange activity , she opened the curtain to see Spider-Man . He was staring dead at her face , his head tilted slightly to the right , probably to examine the amount of tears and dry mascara on her face . Michelle didn't even know why she used mascara in the first place , she wanted to try something new . Mostly because , after Liz left town , Peter was in those " sad breakup" type of feelings . And she initially thought that wearing some makeup would make Peter happier and more at ease with the fact of her moving . But no , all she got was advice to take it off and leave her face bare because she was told she looked beautiful without it . These words came out of Peter's mouth , but she had to put on the act that she doesn't care for people because she doesn't wanna get so attached to anyone . But that plan all failed when Tom and surprisingly Ned , came into her life . She uses the act to push herself away from the sometimes , invasive friends of hers . Her mascara was streaked and badly ruined , smeared on her cheeks . Her eyes practically almost red and swollen from crying for the past 30 minutes to an hour , she lost count after seeing Spider-Man on her TV swinging from building to building on the local news . She opened the window weakly , as she locked eyes with the hero . She decided to come clean right away , the guilt seeping through her skin . She didn't know why she was feeling guilt or anger towards Peter . It confused her so much . Michelle cleared her throat and muttered a "What are you doing here , Spidey?" Desperately trying to sound strong and mighty like the old Michelle . Spider-Man adjusted himself on the ledge , now grabbing on the window sill , as he spoke " I came to see what you were crying about . Just because I'm a fighter , doesn't mean I don't wanna help you when you know...aren't getting robbed or things like that" Peter smiles through his mask , trying to lighten the mood . He took notice of her face , which he stares at a lot . But it was different for right now , she was sad and he was determined to find out why . Earlier at school , she was smiling and teasing about his disheveled hair , and now she was trying to keep a straight face after crying for god knows how long. " I don't need your help right now " Michelle says , trying to shut her window . The words of saying his name was too intense for her to handle , she was fighting herself about admitting the truth again . Spider-Man kept the door open and pleaded "Let me help you " .

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