Tea Party

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Shower time at Yui's place was very intriguing. I felt like a circus performer, with one hand trying to cover myself from Subaru's eyes, while with another hand I washed my hair, and for the cherry on the top, I had to keep dogging pocket watcher thrown at me by Subaru. Fortunately, Yui shoo him away with a straw broom so I could finish showering in peace. Then she led me to the house second floor to change my clothing.

"Take your time, I will be waiting for you downstairs" she waved and went down.

She left me some old clothing. Simple brown trousers and white a button-up shirt. The room on the second floor was small and a bit crooked. The bed was placed in the corner and next to it wall-length dresser. From wall to wall there were shelves with various goods and collectibles. From some, there were hanging dried herbs. Despite the variety, the aroma of lavender was the strongest.

Through the window, I could see the busy streets. Merchants calling to come to take a closer look to sell goods, people laughter then someone yelling and cursing children probably for some mischievous prank they did.

I took a moment to take everything in. Even tho I knew this is a freakishly real dream.... some part of me wanted for this to be real...or even a life similar to this illusion.

I shook my head and got dressed.

I took the steep stairs and met with Yui. I found the young women dusting the counter table and arranging the goods, shifting and turning them, looking for the best placement. On the other side of the room in the corner, I saw Subaru squatting down and facing the wall. I walked next to Yui and jerked my chin towards Subaru.

"What's up with him?"

Yui gleamed softly at Subaru. So much as if she was the mother of that overgrown child.

"Ah, he knows what he did" with these Yui's words, Subaru grunted in displease while the aura around him darkened,, I took his bag of pocket watches. I asked him a thousand times not to throw them around inside my house. And what he does do? Opposite. So either he is taking a break, or he can go and try to find another merchant who is willing to sell clocks to this tornado-man"

Subaru grunted one more time, this time peaking over his shoulder giving both of us a glare that could burn through the walls.

"Don't look at me like that. What did I do?" I placed my hand on my hips.

"You waste time" he hissed coldly.

Wow. Talking about caring for one feeling. Anyway.

"Yui" I turned to her.


"I can't believe I'm saying this, but...I need to go back to Ummm....reality...?"

"You mean outside the Wonderland?"

"Sure, when you put it that way" I scratched my chin "If you could point me to the nearest exit I would appreciate it"

Yui sighed "I'm afraid my hands are tied" she began polishing the teacup set.

"I'm sorry, what?" I gulped in disbelieve. A train of thought just rushed with a speed of light through all sanity stops in my head and crash straight into the mountain of panic with all of my brain cells on aboard "What do you mean? There's no way out? I'm stuck? I'm stuck with him throwing things at me?" I waved towards now standing Subaru and making some sort of wrist mobility exercises.

"No no. Let me finish" Yui softly smiled.

I sighed in relief. Felt like a fire department came to save my brain cells.

"There is a way back, but there is no map or door that could lead you out of here" the girl started explaining "See, this place opens to people who are lost and looking for something" she placed a teacup on the counter. Yui's eyes darkened as she looked through me in the distance, her voice tone became calm and monotonous. Like she was possessed by something, or she memorized these lines by heart "In other words, it's a journey to the depth of one's mind. Searching for the means of consciousness. Embracing insanity can show the unknown roads to the lands behind the mountains and the secrets that they kept shut. And the secrets that were awoken and ripped out with a scream of the winged beast. Finding the heart of mind will bring the one who is seeking freedom to reality to which one belongs in a form of truth to nature"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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