Part 41 Destination Earth

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Ok well go find her. Eric Said

Just then Rose and Greg walked In.

Morning dad. Rose Said

Eric turned to look at Rose and Greg.

Hey sweety how would you like to meet your grandmother ? Eric Asked Rose

Rose smiled.

That would be awesome dad. Rose Said

Ok then It's settled we're going back to earth. Eric Said

Wait you're going to find your mother ? Greg Asked Eric

Yeah we are. Eric Said

Ok that's cool with me. Greg Said

Eric walked Into the cockpit and set the ship to head to earth then sat In the chair.

Whatcha doing ? Ellen Asked Eric

Eric looked at Ellen.

I just set to ship to head to earth we should be there In a few days. Eric Said

That's good anyways I want to ask you something. Ellen Said

Eric looked at her.

What do you want to ask me. Eric Said

Well I just wanted to know If you still never mind. Ellen Said

Ellen ran out of the room.

That was weird. Eric thought to himself

Eric got up and ran after her and followed her to her room.

Ellen what's wrong tell me. Eric Said

Ellen looked at Eric.

Fine I like you again. Ellen Said

Eric looked shocked.

Are you serious. Eric Said

Yeah I am and I can't stand to see you with abby. Ellen Said

Eric sighed.

What do you expect me to do about It leave her I can't do that. Eric Said

I know but I can't stay here and not be with you. Ellen Said

Let me think about this for a little bit ok. Eric Said

Fine. Ellen Said

Eric walked out of Ellen room and bumped Into Abby.

Hey babe. Eric Said

Hey honey what were you doing In Ellen's room ? Abby Asked Eric

She told me she has feelings for me again. Eric Said

Abby glared at Eric.

So she told you huh well. Abby Said

Wait you knew she about this. Eric Said

Yeah I've known since we escaped Lord Varin's ship. Abby Said

Well what are we gonna do about It. Eric Said

I don't know but I'm not letting you go that's for sure. Abby Said

Well I'm gonna go to our room and think about what I'm gonna tell my mother. Eric Said

You do that well I go talk with Ellen. Abby Said

Eric looked at Abby.

Don't start a fight with her. Eric Said

I'll try not too. Abby Said

Thanks. Eric Said

Eric walked Into his and abby's room well Abby walked Into Ellen's room.

Hey I thought I told you to leave Eric alone. Abby Said

Ellen glared at Abby.

Fuck off you don't own him. Ellen Said

He's my boyfriend so he's mine now stay away from him. Abby Said

Ellen got up and pulled out a knife and put It to Abby's throat.

I'll kill you If you ever look at Eric again. Ellen Said

Abby eyes went wide with fear.

W...What are you gonna do kill me. Abby Said

If that's what It take's. Ellen Said

Fine I'll break up with him just don't kill him or me. Abby Said

Good girl now go do It. Ellen Said

Abby walked out of the room then Ellen smirked.

I win bitch. Ellen Said

                                                          END OF CHAPTER       

Eric's space adventuresTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang