Chapter 1

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Ok, I not a good writer and I'm still If there's anything wrong of anything that nots post to be there please don't judge..., anyways please read.

Groaning, putting the last boxes in the house. He let out a sigh of relief before walking into the living room and flipping right dead into the couch...

He and his friend just moved aways from Canada to LA, because his best had to move for a job that he just found. Even though he misses Canada he couldn't ruin his friend chances for a job so he decided to go.

What can you say. He a golden hearted person.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~back to the story~

His eyes began to slowly close letting darkness consume him...

But only to be interrupted by a sound of footsteps coming from the kitchen..

"Wake up sleepy head!" The voice yelled..

Evan let out a annoyed groaned and sits up looking at him with a heated glare. " what is it ohm.."  Evan asked quite rudely.

Ohm rises his hand in shock "clam your man tits!?, "  he slowly puts his hands down before continuing, " Anyways, I'm just gonna ask if you wanna go to a cafe of something, since there's
nothing to do?.." Ohm snickered, grinning.

"Sure"  Evan said shrugging. Getting up he walks to his room and opens the closet door.

Picking out his clothes he decided to wear this:

Picking out his clothes he decided to wear this:

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(I think Evan would look so cute in this.....)

Fixing his skirt, humming a tone he looks at the mirror.

The dress hugs his body, making show off his curves. Evan smiles to himself proud of his decision.

"Hey Evan!, are you ready!?" Ohm yelled form the living room.

"Yeah I'm ready!" Evan yells back.

~time skip, brought by the banana bus squad theme song~

~Evan prospective~

Me and ohm stepped inside the coffee shop, soon the smell of cookies and coffees filled my nose making me drool slightly...

Ohm chuckles at my expression. We stepped in line waiting for your turn.

As we did we decided to take about some things like, which pets is the best. But my opinion is that both cats and dogs are the best.

"Dude, how can you say such a thing!" My best friend yelled.

"Well I think both cats and dogs are the best, what?.." I said confused.

"Well-" before he couldn't finish a guy from behind the counter yelled next.

Ohm ordered a latte, while I ordered a affogato.

For people who doesn't know what's a affogato is:

For people who doesn't know what's a affogato is:

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Anyways back to the story....

"Eww how can you order that" he says gagging. I pouted and smack him on the playfully shoulder.

"You don't even drink! It" I yelled.

He just laughs and grabs his drink. "Yeah, but I know it's gonna taste awful" he mumbled rolling his eyes.

"Boi, you got to try it to see if you like It or not!"  I said with a expression that says 'really'.

"But-" I cut him off before he can say anything else...

"No buts" I grumbled. He let's out a little chuckle before drinking his latte.

I garb my spin and started to eat some of my food.

I let out a moan when the creamery flavor entered my mouth. "I didn't know your horny for food....kinky~" he says joking, I blushed and give him a glare. He just laughs again before drinking once more.

As we continued to talk and eat. We heard the coffee shop door  ring meaning someone entered.

My friend gasp and started to point somewhere.

I give him a confused look.

"Evan.turn.around.." he whispered, making me even more confused. He never been this quiet....

Out of confusion I turned around to be meet by a guy in a dark red hoodie with some blue jeans with red shoes.

I kept eyeing the man. He turns around meeting my gaze.

His eyes are like red burning brightly....

Realizing that I was staring too long I quickly turned around, blushing like a teenage girl who saw her crush.

Who is he?...

Ohm smirked "seems little Evan has a crush~" ohm chuckled.

"S-shut up!" I yelled blushing even more making him laugh harder.

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