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          Gerard sat in his favorite recliner sofa as he waited for Frank, his boyfriend, to come home. He was writing some new music, this one was called House Of Wolves. He was almost done with it, so he thought he would finish it. He slicked back his long, thick black hair and wrote the last lyric down as Frank walked in the door. Gerard put down his papers without hesitation and ran over to Frank, attacking him with hugs and kisses. "Welcome home, Frankie!" He smiled and said. "God, Baby, I missed you so fucking much!" Frank replied, returning the hugs and kisses. "I made you something." Gerard said happily as he walked over to the couch. He picked up a flower crown made of tiny roses, lilies, dandelions, and other small flowers, and placed it gently on Frank's head. Frank smiled ear to ear. "Awww! I love it!!" Frank said cheerfully. Frank hugged Gerard tightly.

                       -Later; 8pm-
       Gerard sat on the couch with Frank. They cuddled up under the blanket and Gerard turned on the TV. He selected the DVD option. He has already put a movie in earlier. The TV started playing The Nightmare Before Christmas, their favorite movie to watch together. Such emos they were. Jeez. Frank always freaked out when Jack and Sally kissed at the very end, he thought it was so kawaii. °ω° as soon as the movie ended, Gerard noticed that Frank had fallen asleep. He looked like an angel, an emo angel to be precise. Gerard turned off the TV, and gently picked up the smol bean. He carried him up to their bedroom and carefully laid him down, kissing his forehead. Gerard laid down beside him and whispered, "Goodnight, my sweet little angel.., I love you." And drifted to sleep.

Now And Forever, A Frerard FicUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum