“No wait Ava!” she tries to reach her hand to grab me and I walk away before she could. I walked through the halls feeling bored. I looked around and saw a trophy case filled with metals from the past and a couple of pictures too. I looked at the year 1989, which was the time my mom was in this high school. She looked adorable with her cheerleading outfit. She was beautiful when she was young and still is now.

She used to be a cheerleader but I don’t know if she met my father in this school or somewhere else. I really don’t know much about my father except he went missing when I was a baby and so my uncle helped my mom raise me. I wonder how he looks like. My mom doesn’t like to talk about him at all and I don’t know why.

“Are you lost?” someone says behind me and there breath touches my skin causing me to jitter. I turn around right away and see K.T. in front of me.

“Seriously K.T. you do something weird one more time and I’ll hit you where it hurt’s.... Is lurking in the halls your sort of thing or is that a hobby? ”

He licks his lips and stairs at me with his bold green eyes and say’s “I guess I like to surprise you.”

“What do you want now?” He examines my face as if he was waiting for some sort of reaction.

“You really don’t know who I am do you?” he grins and walks a step closer.

“Am I suppose to know you?” I asked irritated and confused. He raises his hand and touches a couple strands of my hair.

“Well you look almost the same. Your brown hair got longer, and you’re taller then before…”

I looked at him confused while trying to think who he was. I stared at his face.

“How do you know me?”

“I’ll let you figure that out on your own. And when you do you will want to find me…” He confidently say’s.

“Ava” I turn around and saw Masson running towards us.

“Yeah?” he stops running and catches his breath but he didn’t look too tired.

“The substitute went to class already. Your friend told me to tell you she is waiting for you in the girl’s locker room…” he looks at the both of us and said awkwardly “Am I interrupting something?” at the same time me and K.T. spoke except I said “No” and K.T. said, “Yes”

K.T. suddenly grabbed me and ran while dragging me along. He was holding me by my hand. When he finally stopped we where in front of the girls locker room. Just like before he leans toward me while his hands trap me as I lay against the wall. He was close enough that we could hear each other breath. Both of his hands where locking me in this position. He looked a little upset but you could barely tell because he always seemed calm and collected. 

“I don’t want you being with other guy’s” what is he thinking? Dose he thinks he can just push me around and claim I’m his. Last time I checked I don’t have a price tag on my body yelling please buy me.

“So what! It’s not like I’m yours or something” he smirks at that remark.

“You will be. Soon I’m going to make you fall in love with me so much your going to take back those words.”

I laugh and say “Oh really! Why would I ever want to be with you? You are self centered, egotistical, overly confident, and not to mention you’re too touchy. So either you move out my way or I’ll make you move.” My comment didn’t faze him, In fact he looked as confident as ever and that was starting to annoy me.

He moved aside and when I was opening the door he said “Oh and Avery! Remember you lost the bet and you got to keep your side of the bargain.” I stopped immediately when he said my full name. Only a hand full of people used to call me by that name. I look in back of the door to ask him who he was but when I looked it was as if he disappeared.

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