“Hello,” I said, while starting the engine.

“Claire,” my best friend started, “you have to come over tonight.”

“Why?” I asked. I wanted to get started on the final project.

“Well, if you come over you’ll know,” I could imagine her smirking through the phone.

“I’ll see,” I said and hung up. I checked the time on my phone before putting it back in my bag, 2:32, it showed.  I put my car in reverse and began my drive back home. Ten minutes later, I saw my house come into view. I pulled over onto my driveway and quickly got out of the car. I unlocked my door and hung my jacket onto the coat rack. When I reached my room, I collapsed onto my soft bed. Soon, I found myself drifting off to a peaceful slumber.

I giggled as he tickled my stomach.

“Stop,” I cried, and continued giggling.

“Not going to happen,” he smirked and planted a kiss on my lips. I kissed him back, wanting to stay in this position forever. “You’re so beautiful.” He whispered against my lips.

“What have I done to deserve you?” I laughed.

“Let’s pig out on hamburgers tonight,” he suggested, with a smile on his face.

“No wonder I love you, Jacob Smith,” I place my lips onto his soft ones again.

I opened my eyes and got out of the bed. I looked over at the clock, 5:45. Deciding to take a shower, I walked to my bathroom and started to undress. I stepped into the shower and turned the water on. Letting the water spray, I thought of the flashback of Jacob, my ex-boyfriend. Suddenly pain erupted in my chest. Why did he cheat on me?


Taking a left turn, I saw Ally’s house come into view. Parking my car at the curb, I killed the engine and walked to her front door. I pressed the doorbell and waited for a couple seconds until it was open.

“Hey,” I smiled and invited myself in. I walked into her living room and sat on the black leather couch.

“How are you doing?”

“So…” I started, changing the subject, “why did you invite me over?”

“Well, I was wondering if you want to go clubbing tonight,” she took a seat next to me.

“No,” I bluntly said.

“You got to loosen up from time to time,” she argued.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I turned on her flat screen TV.

“I taking you clubbing tonight no matter what you say or do,” she grabbed the remote control from my grasp.

“Fine,” I groaned.

For the next hour, Ally made me wear her black tube dress, which went down to mid-thigh. I can’t believe I’m doing this! Having my back turned to the mirror, Ally was working her ‘magic’, her words not mine. Sitting on the uncomfortable stool for the next forty-five minutes was torture.

“I’m done,” she squealed and turned me around. I looked at the displayed image on the mirror. My hair was curled, and I had to admit that I looked good with smoky eyes. Tearing my eyes away from the mirror, I glance at Ally, she was busy getting ready. My gaze then turned to the clock hung above the bed. 7:10.

“Let’s grab a bite before we go,” I suggested.

“Sure,” she nodded and continued curling her eyelashes and applying mascara. I then made my way downstairs to her kitchen and pulled out a bag of Ruffles from her cupboard. Opening the big bag of chip, I started munching and nibbling the crispy goodness. Hope this eases some of my hunger. Taking the remote from the coffee table, I turned on the TV and started surfing through the channels. Finally, finding an entertaining channel, I sat there watching it while waiting for my best friend.

“Let’s go,” Ally descends from the stairs wearing her sparkly purple dress, and walked towards her front door. I stood up from the leather couch, and place the remote and the bag of chips on the coffee table.   

We both got into her car and drove off to our favorite diner that was a few minutes away from the house. Arriving shortly, we climbed out of the vehicle and made our way inside the diner. There were only two vacant tables when we walked in. Deciding which table to sit at, we walked towards a booth by the window. Since us both knew what we wanted to order, we sat patiently for a waiter to take our order. We didn’t have to wait too long before a waiter came to our table.

“Good evening, what would you two lovely ladies like tonight?” the waiter smiled and took out his notepad.

“We would like two hamburgers with a side of fries,” Ally answered for the both of us.

“And one chocolate milkshake with another vanilla milkshake,” I added and the waiter scribbled down our orders and made his way to the kitchen.

We got our food shortly, and once the plate was place in front of us, we started to stuff our face with food.

I took the last sips of my drink before getting up to pay for my fair share of the meal.


The loud music was booming and the dance floor was filled with people dancing. I looked at Ally in the dimmed room and notice that she was not beside me anymore. Where did she go? And how can she leave me alone. I skimmed through the dimmed room with my eyes again. Until I noticed someone familiar .

The Set UpNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ