11· Vacation spot [Preference 2]

Start from the beginning

"You have definitely one upped me from that time I brought you to the drive-in movie theatre and I could not ask for a better girlfriend than you, my love" Paul and I share a kiss and Connor coughs, the 3 of us laugh and I end off the video

"I love you so much baby girl" [Paul]

"I love you too Pauly D" [Y/N]



Connor and I were at the hockey rink, he was practising his shots with his friends while I tagged along and sometimes took a shot. I mostly filmed Connor and took really cool action shots of my wonderful boyfriend, all his other friends said they were going to go get a drink so it was just Connor and me on the ice.

"Hey, babe you want to take some shots against me?" [Connor]

"I mean if you're down for me to score everything then yeah" I give Connor a wink and he skates up to me and pulls my waist towards him

"Alright, if you're so cocky. How about a little bet? Out of 10 if you score less than 6 you have to give me a massage when we get home" Connor smirks

"Don't I do that after every practice you have anyway?" We both laugh and I think up his forfeit

"If I score 6 or more you have to take me wherever I want!" [Y/N]

"Deal, knowing that you won't score more than 5 anyways" I stick my tongue out at Connor and he kisses me. He takes his place in the goal and I skate around to warm up

I take my first shot -score, second shot-miss.crap. third shot-miss. Breath Y/N breath. I make my next 3 shots which put me at 4. I miss my next two which means I have to make my next two or I'll lose the bet. I skate up and slap the puck at Connor, it flies past his head and straight into the corner of the net. The last shot. The one that counts. The one that decides the fate of this challenge, Connor's friends are chanting from the stands.

"One more baby girl or you can give me a massage" I give Connor a smirk and get ready to shoot. I slide the puck around and take a breath. I hail Mary slap the puck into the corner, it shoots into the net and I scream and chant. Connor's friends skate up to me and cheer me on, I turn around to see Connor lying on the ice holding his face. Did I hit him? no way, he had his helmet on when I shot. I skate up to him and make sure he's okay

"HOLY SHIT CONNOR ARE YOU OKAY?" I slide down to my knees and kneel beside my injured boyfriend

"Yeah I'm okay" he removes his helmet and reveals a bloody line

"Connor babe you're bleeding, I'm so sorry" [Y/N]

"It's alright, well you won I guess which means I have to take you somewhere haha" He laughs but I can tell something is up because his friends pulled out cameras

"You know how you can make it up to me?" [Connor]

"By giving you the massage you wanted?" He nods and laughs

"yeah that and you can make it up to me by unravelling that black tape on your stick" I look at him with curiosity and look at my hockey stick. I peel the black tape and reveal a note that says read me out loud on the front

"I didn't know how to surprise you so I decided to make a bet, this whole thing was planned even my the 'cut' on my face *Connor wipes the fake blood on his face and smiles* You have been the best and most supportive girlfriend I have ever had and I could not ask for anyone else. Take off your helmet and look inside" I take off my helmet to reveal an envelope with an aeroplane that Connor drew with the words let's fly away together I open it and read the paper. It was 2 plane tickets to London, the place I have always wanted to go.

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