Chapter 6

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Robin's POV

"Where's Kid Clutz?" Artemis asked. The rest of the team, minus Wally and I, were taking a short leave of absence. Just a month, to enjoy themselves. I had volunteered to stay at the mountain, just in case anything happened while they were gone. I told the team that Wally had wanted to stay as well. Truthfully, I didn't know where my friend was. Flash was in Asia right now and was coming back in 3 days, so he wouldn't know. I had called Wally, texted Wally, but no response.

"He's sick, but he told me to tell you to have a good time." I lied through my teeth.

"Meh, probably for the best," Artemis replied. Anger bubbled in my gut. Was I the only one who cared?!

"Oh! I hope he feels better!" M'gann cried. Ok, at least one person cared.

"Will do," I replied.

"I hope you enjoy yourselves as well, Robin," Kaldur replied. "And...don't get into trouble." He added.

I grinned.

"Stay whelmed guys!" I called.

They smiled back at me. M'gann, Conner, and Kaldur were first to leave. They were going to tour the world on their bikes. Artemis grinned at me, then stepped through the zeta beam as well. She was going with a friend to California.

A month!

A month free with only Wally and I! Perfect for getting to the bottom of what was up with my friend.

I raced off to the electronics room, sitting down in front of a large computer, one I had designed myself.

I quickly logged on, the computer was heavily encrypted, it needed my fingerprint and 2 passcodes. But for me it was easy. In 30 seconds, I had hacked the street cameras for Central City. I knew the general area of where Wally lived, even though he had never taken me there.

I clicked the space bar, navigating through camera by camera.

After an hour I let out a frustrated sound. It was around 8 pm.

"How many cameras does Central City need!?" I yelled in frustration.

Click, click, click, click,click,click,click,click, click...wait.

I backspaced.

"Yes!" I yelled. Finally.

There was a picture of Wally, 3:45 pm on Tuesday, three days ago, walking home. I reviewed the video feed. He walked home slowly, limping slightly.

Wait, limping?

He walked to the door, hesitating before fumbling in his pocket for his key. Finding it, he pushed it into the lock and turned it, opening the door. Wally stepped in, closing the door with a slam. I couldn't see what happened inside the house because it was night and the house was not illuminated. I frowned, then quickly made my decision. I changed into my civvies, sending a text to Bruce that I was visiting a friend and probably wouldn't be home tonight. Then, he zetad to Central.

It was time to pay his friend a visit and get to the bottom of this.

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