Don't Worry

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Y/n's POV:

Garroth grabbed my arm and gently pulled me up. "Come on, you can't hide from everyone. Plus! You can't see your ears and tail yet. But once they do show, just wear a hat. It's perfectly normal for people to wear hats here. It's scorching! Let's gooo" Garroth said, dragging me along. I sighed and obliged. 

We got into the living room only seeing Dottie, Daniel and Rylan. They saw us come in and looked up smiling. "Hi y/n, hi Garroth" Daniel smiled, standing up. "Y/n, are you okay? Looks like you have been crying..."

"I-i'm fine Daniel, don't worry about me" I replied, looking down. "Now, shall do something?"

"SURE! I WAS THINKING WE GO TO ROCK CLIMBING!!" Screamed Dottie jumping up towards us. "Can we?"

"Yeah! That'll be fun" Garroth smiled "let's go then. Come on Rylan!"

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