whatever it takes

Start from the beginning

"oh," chris blurts inelegantly. "i just assumed- not because- i don't think you can't take care of yourself! you can, obviously. i just thought because." he sighs and scrubs a hand over his face, unaware of the way sebastian shoots him glances from beneath ridiculously gorgeous lashes. "you're brilliant, seb. taking care of yourself for so long, you did great, i mean it."

"thanks, chris." sebastian whispers, ducking his smile down into his chest. they stop at his trailer, facing each other, not quite sure what to do with themselves. just as sebastian gives up and turns to his door, he's stopped by a warm hand circling his wrist. chris panics for a split second, worried he's offending sebastian — implying he needs help or can't look after himself; but the fear fades. sebastian glances up with trusting eyes, listening, waiting for whatever chris has to offer him.

"don't forget to have water and get some rest, seb, i'll see you tomorrow." he instructs, swiping his thumb over delicate tendons before dropping sebastian's hand. sebastian nods, and smiles, a lovely – perhaps even enthusiastic smile that makes chris feel proud, because sebastian wants to be good. for him. because he asked that of the sub.

minutes later he lays down in his dark room, in his pyjamas and under his covers, tucked up with a smile. when turns on his side and it doesn't fade, he won't bother wiping it away. for once he rests a little easier. knowing sebastian is safe and cared for, or will be.


since his confession, sebastian is being infuriatingly betrayed by not only his heart, but his dumb, submissive, needy disposition. he craves contact, so utterly touch starved that even the gentlest contact from chris makes him tremble. it's terribly hard to restrain himself, and keep it from his co-star, when all he wants is to be held. chris, for his part, doesn't seem to mind. he's polite and courteous, freely giving attention, indulging sebastian's touch starved behaviour.

chris is just so stupidly caring and gorgeous and wonderful, whats a sub to do. it seems he makes an active effort to show sebastian affection, in small doses, and still more platonically than he'd like. it's more than he could have hoped for, of course, so he can't complain.

he's tried taking care of himself like a normal independent guy his age, and so far managed not to fail, at least not spectacularly. he eats on time and keeps hydrated. he actively tries to participate in conversation, keeps aware of his presence, and smiles when prompted. despite not having a dom, he's functioning. that isn't to say that having complete independence isn't fucking exhausting. chris helps with that, a little, and he can't ask more than what he's given; so he cherishes what he has now.


"i thought you didn't want a dom." chris says, when confronted by sebastian, who asks what the hell is going on. he's not mad – but all the maybe's keep making him anxious, like he isn't quite sure where his safety ends and he's preparing for a free fall.

"what? why?" he huffs, unsure where that indicator came from, or what chris is even talking about if he's totally honest.

chris frowns and bites his lip.

"well if you wanted a dom i thought you'd have had one. you're brilliant, i told you before, a great actor and such a sweet kid, how could you have trouble finding someone?" he explains, which startled sebastian. chris thinks he's brilliant? and why?

he made a soft, hurt sound and clams up. "i'm too needy. no one wants a clingy, emotional sub that can't take of himself."

"what?" chris demands a little roughly. sebastian flinches and chris instantly cools off, back to being worried. "sorry seb, i'm not mad at you."

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