Trying it out

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   Wilbur and Y/n were hanging out in Wilbur's room. They had nothing much to do that they have already done a million times before so they were just chilling, only half paying attention to a TV show.
   Y/n stands and stretches, popping her back and yawning. Wilbur was also standing and walking around, kicking an empty pizza box he should have thrown away days ago.
   Wilbur became friends with Y/n after she was his partner in science for an experiment. Wilbur had some friends but all of them just liked him because he was rich, or attractive, or both. And they all sucked up to him because of it. Y/n did not, she treated him like a person. Yes, she thought he was attractive and yes, she's aware that he's rich (and doesn't care) but she wasn't going to treat him any differently because of it and he'd better do well on this project or she'd kick his ass. She told him all that first off and then went into smart buisness mode. Wilbur liked that she was real like that and stayed sitting with her long after the project was done. His 'friends' followed him but finally quit and left because they couldn't handle the almost brutal amount of her honesty. They were best friends.
   Y/n's honesty and willingness to call him out on his shit as well as be there for him when he needed (along with lying for him, something she advised against but did anyway for his peace of mind) was refreshing. Wilbur had never said anything about this with her but he couldn't lie to himself, she was nice to look at as well.
   Y/n had wanted to be his friend for a long time but didn't want to be grouped in with the rest of the entire school crowding around him. She never had anything to say to him in the first place for conversation so when she had to be his partner in science, she was so happy. She hid it in favor of wanting to do good on the project but was friendly through out that week. She told him everything, what she wanted and what she thought. She ended up surprised when he continued to sit with her, Wilbur told her he really liked that she just said what she thought and treated him as an actual person rather than 'the son of Cornelius Robinson'. They were inseparable ever since.
   Inseparable and completely bored now. Y/n had permission to be there for as long as she wanted, it was the weekend and her dad didn't care and Wilbur's parents definitely didn't care either. She was bored but it was better here with her best friend than bored at home alone.

That boredom was about to be cured.

   Wilbur came to a standstill in front of a body mirror. He checks himself out, as he does sometimes. Y/n had once likened him to a preening bird. Wilbur responded by flapping his arms and tweeting, they both laughed their asses off at that one.
   Wilbur struck a few poses and fluffed his cowlick. He straighted his shirt and adjusted his pants and made a few more poses. Preening bird, indeed.
   Wilbur eventually got tired of even that and walked over to his desk and simply leaned on it. Yet, somehow, him leaning on it so casually with his hip out just so and half lidded eyes made Y/n's heart skip and her eyes widen.
   "You need to stop." She couldn't bring herself to tear away her stare but continued to look at him pointedly, hoping she could make him realize what he was doing.
   "Stop what?" He asked genuinely, moving out of that breath taking position and raising his eyebrows.
   "What you were doing, that-" she waves her hands, vaguely gesturing to him, "thing."
   Wilbur looks calmly at her, still eyebrows raised before smiling and knowing, "Oh, this?" He does the thing again.
   Y/n goes deadpan, "Yes that, you should stop that shit."
   Wilbur smirks, which makes it even worse for Y/n, and keeps doing it. "Why?"
   "Because," she turns red and she starts to glance other places other than his face and form, signs that she was going to be honest about something she didn't want to say anything about in the first place (Wilbur has seen that a few times, not often) "Its kind of a turn on, you need to stop. I dont want to think about that."
   Wilbur feels particularly daring and pushes her further, a dangerous move- push her too far and she'll get pissed off.
   Wilbur looks her straight in the eye drops his smirk into what looks like a pleading face and bites his lip while tilting his head slightly.
   That jolts Y/n straight to her core and she hisses and turns away, grabbing her hair and cursing. Wilbur drops the act and chuckles before becoming concerned.
   "Dude! Don't do that, that's weird! I dont want to- Oh god, oh god, no no no no no-" she continues like that for a bit.
   "Hey I'm sorry," Wilbur starts, walking closer to her, "I was just playing around a bit, you okay? That wasn't crossing a line was it?"
   She takes a deep breath before turning around to him again, staring at the ground. "It'll be okay, it's just kinda weird. You're my friend and I dont want to feel that because of you." She blinks and wipes her head.
   Wilbur raised his hands in a kind of surrender, "alright alright, I'm sorry. That is a little much but," he becomes serious, "Did I... really turn you on?" He asks sincerely, actually curious.
   She glances into his eyes, his gleaming beautiful brown eyes, and stares back at the ground. She rubs the back of her neck, "Yeah. A bit."
   Wilbur hums, "have you ever... uh, thought of me that way?"
   "Those thoughts have drifted through my mind but I instantly block them. I didn't want to think about it."
"So you never-"
   "No." She says firmly, looking him in the eye. "I dont know what that one was but no." She sighs and goes back to looking at the ground.
   "Why haven't you thought about it? At all?"
"Because you were my friend," she stated simply, she stared at the wall past him now, "You were my friend and that would have been weird to think about so I didnt."
   Wilbur stared at her, a slight thought of her being cute this way passed through. A slight related thought followed close behind and he realized something that should probably be said.
   "What if I told you I'm the same?" She looks at him with eyebrows raised. "I think about you sometimes but they just kinda drift away on their own. I'm not... repulsed or anything." He looks at her worried, she was feeling vulnerable but she had a better end of the stick with it, he wouldn't abandon her no matter what, he didn't have a lot of uncrossable issues. With him being vulnerable like this, about liking her anywhere close in that way, she could walk out at anytime. She was very timid and was scared of intimacy. One wrong move and she'd ditch him in a heartbeat.
   She continue to stare with questions in her eyes. Wilbur continued, "I mean, I still feel you're my friend, my best friend, and I still see you that way ,a bit, but sometimes I just get simple thoughts of how pretty you are and, well, I dont know," he gets sheepish, blushing a little, "Maybe, we don't have to be a full fledged relationship if you're not comfortable but maybe we could try out some things?" He gets more and more self conscious and worried about what she'll think about what he was proposing, "If you want, of course. You trust me right? I'll stop the moment you want me to, if you'd like to do anything of course. Just to see how you feel."
   Y/n stared at him still with wide eyes. She wanted to do something like he said but something was still holding her back.
   Wilbur was quiet for a moment before, "would you like to let yourself think those things?"
   The question hung in the air. Y/n swallowed and looked away, blushing hard. It wasn't often at all she let her guards down like this, she nodded the smallest of nods. She looked back at him, completely bare of distractions and half lies, "I dont... know what to do though," her voice was meek.
   Wilbur didn't say anything else but instead stepped forwards and leaned down, hesitating right in front of her but not quite touching, before closing his eyes and pressed his lips to hers.
   He didn't have much of a clue either what he was doing but he really wanted to do it. He moved his lips gently against her soft ones. She had closed her eyes and stood there for a moment just feeling him warm and sweet close to her.
   Wilbur gently wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, deepening the connection and savoring her taste beginning to fill him. He tilted his head and the slight separation at the corners made a wet smack each time he came in to her. She started moving too, trying to do things that felt right. She wrapped her arms around him too.
   She could feel everything that had held her back before melt away and become replaced by the raging urge she had always held back caused by years of loneliness. She forced herself to stay calm and just enjoy what was happening now.
   Wilbur felt himself grow hungry for more and made the effort of pushing her towards his bed laying her down careful not to break contact. His head grew fuzzy as he reached out his tounge and touching her softly, she touched his with hers and they began to feel eachother more closely. Wilbur's body was pressed close but still gentle to her, his hands absent mindedly massaging her sides. The wet sounds increased and Y/n felt herself grow warm in an area below her stomach.
   Their lips smacked each time they went back for more of eachother, their tongues in each others place and creating a delicious type of friction that sparked something deep into both of them. Wilbur felt his jeans grow tight and Y/n arched her back pressing her chest against his.
   Wilbur felt hot inside his heart, she was his best friend but he did love her and did think she was really cute so doing this was the sweetest feeling he could ever imagine.
   Y/n was feeling so good in so many ways because of this boy on top of her. She loved him as her best friend but this was going above and beyond what friends did. She felt herself go fuzzy and losing control and, the scariest part, she didn't care. She could lose herself and she wouldn't care because this is Wilbur. The one she trusted the most and wouldn't want anything like this with anyone else. His beautiful face so close to her didn't hurt either.
   Wilbur's left hand had gone up while his right had gone a bit further down, gripping and feeling her ass. His left hand rubbed her side before slipping up her shirt and feeling her soft skin. Y/n eagerly kissed harder, encouraging him. He responded in kind and he trailed his motions under her bra just feeling the curve of her breasts.
   She wasn't absurdly big but she wasn't flat either. It was enough to get Wilbur interested in touching further.  He slipped his fingers beneath the fabric and stroked her around.
   A soft, little moan sent a bolt of passion through him and spurring him on to fully grab her soft mound and feeling her. She moaned softly again which Wilbur was fast deciding he wanted to hear more of. He liked that she just seemed to perfectly fill his hand comfortably, like she was made for him. That pleasing thought stayed for a second before he started to see what really drove her mad.
   He alternated soft teasing touches around to slightly rough palming and enjoyed finding the combinations that made her arch her back the farthest. He started playing with her nipples, which she signaled to like a lot, and marveled at how soft they were and feeling them become hard with his touches.
   He accidently pinched her hard enough to cause her to cry out, more in pleasure than in pain, but it still shocked Wilbur enough out of his aroused trance to seperate with a smack and look at her, both half lidded and red.
   She whined when he pulled away his sweet, warm mouth and his hands and panted seeing him hold himself above her.
   Wilbur looked down at her and couldn't help how beautiful she looked hot and wanting beneath him. Still, he couldn't help but be alarmed at his loss of control and wonder if he had done anything to hurt her.
   Y/n was feeling very fuzzy indeed but she definitely felt the loss of contact that she was craving so much. Something snaps and she stares wide eyed at Wilbur, who she couldn't think anything else about other than she wanted him, enough to not care about how intimate and close it was.
   Her eyes slowly fill with irrational fear, she still didn't feel quite like herself but she already decided this was one of those times where you act first and think second.
   "Don't leave me like this," she whimpers. Her being needy for him was a definite turn on and his full erection twitched.
   "Please, dont just leave me like this." She repeated.
   Wilbur wanted to, he wanted nothing more than to fulfill her desires but he didn't want to do anything she'd regret.
   "Are you sure?"
"Yes, yes please, we can think about it later just," she moans out, slightly scratching his back, "please. I dont care what it is, I dont care how far just please, dont leave me like this."
   Wilbur couldnt resist her desperate begging anymore, he pressed his lips fully to hers which she accepted completely and moaned into it, making Wilbur's cock throb painfully. Wilbur couldnt resist anymore and promised if Y/n came to regret this at all he'd apologize fully and not blame her if she left. All he can promise is not go too far, he'd never forgive himself for that one. Any other thought fell away as she wrapped her legs around his waist and grinded against his hips.
   His hands were back where they were only alternating so now he was hardening her other nipple and his left hand was trailing over her hip and towards the front where she was just acting for his touch.
   He rubbed her inner thigh and traced patterns close to her dripping core and massaging her, she moaned freely and Wilbur took the chance to trail kisses from her mouth and down her neck.
   She was incredibly sensitive there and arched her head for him to have more access. He kissed and sucked and heard what really made her cry out. He got really curious and bit her roughly in the crook.
   "Wilbur! Aaaah~!" She clawed at his back and bucked her hips. He growled, hearing his name cried out so lovely like that and the slight contact between him and her throbbing parts.
   Wilbur decided to take it a step farther, as he licked and scraped his teeth against her reddening skin and getting closer to her throat, he touched her directly and feeling her folds.
   She's shaved recently, Wilbur felt, stroking her sensitive soft skin down there. He feels around, petting and rubbing to find something he heard girls liked.
   "There!" She cried out, he wasn't sure if she was talking about him being at her throat or the spot he was stroking now but he rubbed again and she moaned a half said yes. He continued stroking her and giving gentle bites that drove her into a whimpering panting mess.
   "Harder! Mmm~!" She was fast losing her hold onto reality as she got swept away by the nirvana and bliss that was Wilbur Robinson.
   Wilbur slipped a finger inside her that further made her cry out. He eased a second finger and thrusted into her as hard as she begged for it while using his thumb to stimulate her clitoris. She grinded against his hand and moaned a warbled 'yes' while sporting a huge, dumb grin.
   Wilbur manages to pull her shirt and her bra off her squirming form and be able to get a good look at her bare upper body. He stopped his harsh sucking on her throat (now a growing purple) and kissed his way to her breasts and sensitive peaks. He latches onto the right, playing with it with his mouth before sucking contentedly, enjoying her taste and her breathy moaning of his name. She clutches him close to her.
   "Wilbur..." She breathes, laying her head back and running her hands through his hair. They continue like that for a minute when Wilbur nibbled a little and makes her pull his cow lick which in turn makes him groan loud and grind his hips against her. She half heartedly raises her head to look at his blushing face sucking on her lovingly and moaning a little from the earlier outburst. She grins and pulls his hair again, he feels nothing but the electric feeling crackling down his spine and straight into his loins pressing hard against her occupied hips on his hand. He groans loud and uncontrolled again, taking more of her breast into his mouth and scraping his teeth against her tender flesh. A cycle of pleasure coursing through the the late teens.
   Wilbur slowly but surely pulls her pants and thoroughly soaked underwear down and edges his beautifully lean body downwards and tearing his attentive mouth away from her chest and begins kissing her stomach and downward. She giggles slightly as he goes across ticklish spots. He licks the edge of her bellybutton before pulling away to see her fully.
   Y/n's body was on the thin side and her curves flowed gracefully and perfect in Wilbur's eyes. She panted heavily and slowly lifted her head again to see what he was doing, she shyly looked into his eyes and down where he was. Her mind was clouded as all hell but she still had a vague sense of self consciousness. She bit her lip and blushed, which Wilbur thought was the cutest thing.
   "You're beautiful, you know that?" He complimented, his breath causing waves of extra sensation into her. She blushed harder.
   Wilbur realised he was seeing his best and closest friend naked and highly turned on because of him, he smiled and knew that what they were weren't friends anymore, No matter what they said.
   He blew on her heated nethers and smirked darkly, seeing her squirm. He teased her this way for a bit and stopped when she slammed her head back against the bed and gripped the covers.
   The black haired boy was getting into this.
   "Do like this? Do you like me teasing you?" He cooed, doing it once more. She nodded frantically and whimpered. He loved that. Something dark was rising from deep within his soul. He wanted to own her. He wanted to make her pledge herself to him, to make her scream his name to the skies. He wanted her in body and soul, to sink himself so deeply within her she couldn't walk, he could barely hold onto his promise but he managed. Only just.
   "What does my little friend want?" He growled, stressing the one word to refer to their supposed relationship. "What does my friend want so badly that she'd make herself all mine to have?" His voice was deeper and seductive and the vibrations were only making her more hot and wet.
   "You!" She cries, jolting her hips and begging physically to give her more. He refuses and pulls away his hand, sucking her fluids off loud and obnoxious, not thinking at all of what he was doing.
   "What is it friend? Do you want me? Do you want me to lick and suck you off? Say it, say you're mine and I'll please you all you want." He barely recognized his own voice, he couldn't bring himself to care either.
   Y/n was feeling things she's never felt before in new heights she could have never have felt before by herself. Her primitive dark thoughts were consumed with doing whatever he wanted. She wanted him, she wanted him to own her and keep her close like this forever, complete and without shame.
   "You, Wilbur! Wilbur, I'm yours! All yours!" She cried loudly and happily, with no thought or care who may hear. Wilbur was very happy and obliged her aching core, giving a long wet lick up though her before fingering her again and sucking her off. She moaned curses and his name, pledging herself to him over and over while gripping the blankets till her knuckles turned white.
   His mouth was hot and pleasantly wet against her own mouth before and a million times more here further  south. He sucked and kissed lewdly and caused her to cry out louder than ever before, louder than she had ever thought possible.
   Wilbur was shamelessly doing everything he could think of to her, the little things he learned kissing her, what he did to her neck, her sensitive chest, all pouring out along with a strong drive to connect with her as much as possible. The wet sounds were increasing and what may have been gross before was just spurring them on now.
   Y/n grabbed hold of Wilburs hair again and yanked, not too hard, but it made him groan and those vibrations marked the beginning of her end.
   The pleasure that rocked powerful and bright through her lithe body and caused her to tremble grew in intensity as he got more rough with her. She dissolved into only saying his name and pulling his little spike of hair as she reached her peak.
   "Wilbur!" She cried out one last time as her back arched and shuddered powerfully and uncontrolled for a good solid minute, Wilbur slowing his movements while she fell down from the high.
   Wilbur finally stopped his physical attention to her and watched her breathe heavy and strained, he felt proud of himself to have reduced her to such a state.
   Y/n felt completely numb and warm inside and out with the powerful throbbing in her core slowly but surely calming down. Her mind was blank and she felt like she was floating away on a cloud. The only thing she could think, and mindlessly so, was Wilbur. Her best friend who's name she screamed in complete bliss and wishing him to own her body and soul in as many ways as she could think of in her arousal drunken state.
   Wilbur smiled warmly, the dark part of him sinking a small fraction back down. He rises up again to plant a small sweet kiss on her half parted lips. She kisses with the lazy bit of effort she could muster being this exhausted. Her eyes are barely open and she's threatened with sleep. He keeps kissing her and running his hands through her sweat matted hair. As this goes on, his own arousal began to be noticeable again. And powerfully so, his cock bound unbearably tight in his pants was growing more painful by the second.
   Wilbur kissed Y/n quick and short, trying to call her back to earth.
   "Y/n, Y/n hello? Don't fall asleep on me, friend." His stressing of the word brings back that small bit of darkness. He feels its effect on him but he calms himself to get Y/n back and talking to him.
   Y/n still feels gone among the clouds but she can't ignore the coldness settling on her soaked thighs and Wilbur's kisses. She slowly makes herself aware again, fluttering her eyes open to see Wilbur looking at her sweetly, something more behind his smile she can't figure out yet. She finally settles back into her body from heaven and blinks, remembering. She's turns a dark scarlet, still wearing a dreamy smile and shocked at Wilbur. She wouldn't have ever thought he could do that, or was capable of doing that.
   "Wow," was all she could think of saying, not helping the dopey smile she wore. She pushed herself up and kissed Wilbur more. She loved it, she loved him, in a friendly way or not it didn't matter. She loved him, no way anyone else could do this to her. No way she'd allow anyone else to do this. It took a year for Wilbur to gain her trust, she was glad to have given it.
   Wilbur smiled against her, he was happy to make her happy but he was very badly craving her touch now. He didn't want to force her but his inner self was growing stronger and the idea was becoming more and more passable. He had self control ,though, and managed only just.
   "Y/n," he whispered, hoping she was at least a little truthful in her hormonal promise to be his and do this, "Please."
   Y/n looked down and saw his raging boner poking a nice big distance. Y/n was not only willing, she wanted to. She was aware of the promises she made and she still felt the same kind of desire and urge for him, not quite at the same intensity but it was still there.
   She looked in his eyes, his pleading face that first turned her on and started this, and pushed him over and on the bed. She slid herself down and unbuttoned his tight jeans. She slid them down and almost giggled at the way he sprang free. He sighed in relief but the way she looked in awe made him throb more painfully, he gripped the blankets.
   "Please, Y/n," his voice was still deep and pleading. She looked up at him, wide eyed and swallowed.
   She bit her lip and glanced from his face to his erection and gently reached out and palmed it, feeling it all over.
   Wilbur hissed, he doesn't know how long he'll last this way. He watches her curiously touch him through the fabric of his boxers and petting him, sexual torture but he lets her have her fun with him like he did with her, seeing what's good and what's not.
   She bites her lip and finally pulls down his boxers, him bouncing free a second and last time. She touches it directly, lightly stroking him up and down alternating her wrist movement as she's seen in various pornos. She finds it soft and warm, not entirely disgusting at all, and just satisfyingly firm. She gently holds the head of it and makes circles with her thumb. Wilbur's eyes roll into the back of his head and he groans, shuddering. He keeps getting close to coming but her light touches never push him quite that far.
   Y/n finds it getting a little more difficult to stroke him comfortably so she adjusts herself closer and let's some spit fall from her mouth onto him and letting that smooth her actions. Wilbur puts a hand on her head, petting her and whispering 'good girl' over and over.
   Wilbur loves this, he could have her do this all day, but he needed more. The dark side was needy and wanted more from Y/n. He pressed lightly against her head and tried to convey what he wanted through his pleading face, the same lip-biting desperate face from before. She understood and wrapped a hand around the base and continuing pumping with her right she slowed for a bit testing how she liked licking him, just the tip.
   Wilbur groaned at the simple action and settled back on his arms again, unconsciously slowly thrusting his hips.
   Y/n loved his pleasured sounds and begging face and came to love this part of his anatomy. She licked him all over, just tasting him and kissing him. She moaned a little, she enjoyed this more than one would think. She licked a small wet stripe from bottom back to the tip and wrapped her lips around the tip suckling adoringly just like he did on her. Wilbur threw his head back, her soft lips sucking like she needed him to live was the most arousing image that he's seen so far, and his inner self was about to suggest some more.
   Y/n tasted the first bead of pre-cum as it formed and disappeared, it wouldn't have mattered what she would have thought of it as its own taste- it was Wilbur and that's all mattered. She sucked eagerly and more hungrily, going lower to hopefully massage more out.
   Wilbur moaned loud, her own noises vibrating him and spurring on the dark entity that threatened his promises.
   He felt something crack psychologically inside him.
   "You fucking love your masters cock, don't you?" He growled, his hip thrusting became the slightest bit faster, "You love your masters milk, I know you do, drinking it up so good," He growled and shuddered into her mouth, more pre-cum seeping out of him. He grips the bed so very tightly and gently but firmly presses Y/n's head with his other hand down on his cock further to encourage her. Y/n happily obliges, his words having the best effect on her and making her want more.
   She's given up on her hands now, letting them rest on his thighs, and takes to deep throating him. She can barely breathe but just him hot and pulsing so deep inside her motivates her. She moans with his taste and feel of him and just like with him to her, that's the start of his undoing.
   Wilbur begins to feel the same tremors deep inside him growing more powerful by the second. They shake and jolt his hips and make him moan Y/n's name over and over.
   "Y/n!" He trails off her name into a loud groan when he hits his climax, ejaculating his hot sticky 'milk' straight down her throat. He holds her head in place half way around his bursting cock while he moans her name and praises. He moans more at the feeling of her gulping it down greedily.
   Wilbur, In the same heaven Y/n was in, tiredly let's her go and she slowly pulls back, swallowing the extra spurts of his seed as she comes up.
   Y/n once seperated from him takes a deep breath of much needed air.
   The two pant and recover from the huge amount of physical exertion and the mind blowing waves of pleasure.
   Wilbur manages to come back down to Earth enough to get them both under the covers and making sure the door was locked before passing out, cuddling her against him.
   Y/n wakes up. It's a peaceful sort of silence before she feels somebody breathing on her. She turns and sees the top bit of Wilbur's hair before she starts freaking out and before she remembers what all happened. She manages to stop herself from kicking herself out of his bed.
   Y/n remembered every detail, to what he did to what she said. She layed there, still pressed up against Wilbur's warm body worrying about how it was gonna be now.
   She felt Wilbur suddenly shift behind her. She stared at him and watched him wake up and yawn.
   Wilbur sees her and smiles. He casually kisses her which she returns although slightly confused.
   Wilbur see her worried expression and cocks his head, "You okay?"
   She stares at his casualty in shock before blinking and trying to sum up her thoughts. "Wha- what are we?"
   The half naked boy beside her smiles warmly, "Do you want us to be anything?"
"Well I dont think it can ever be truly 'normal' again. Especially with that being so," she struggles with her words a bit, "real." She's embarrassed, that was a completely hidden side of her that nobody up until now has seen.
   Wilbur hugged her tighter to himself, still half asleep, and pets her hair, "Well, I said we didn't have it mean anything if you weren't comfortable." He looks her in the eyes again and pressed his nose against hers in a slight smile. "We can still be 'just friends' if you want." The way he says it suggests that wasn't the case at all for them. He knew what was going on.
   "Well," she scratched at her head, "I dont know, I've never been in a relationship..." She trails off.
   Wilbur layed his head back down and into the crook of her neck, getting comfy, "Well we can learn. Besides, we don't have to change anything we do besides this-" he kisses her on the neck which makes her tense in a good way, "every so often. We can do 'this'-" he rubs her thigh, "without worrying about it. And besides," he gets really close to her ear, "You promised." His dark voice sparking further memories in her as well as some feelings below the covers. She smiled.
   "Well Wilbur, there's no one else id rather belong to," she giggles, happy at finally letting that fear go.
   "Master," she whispers back, turned to him and into his ear. Wilbur looks at her smirking and kisses her deeply and pulls her back close to him for some more sleep.

He'll play with her later.

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