06. All the lies

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"Hey baby where were you?" I asked even though I knew where he was.

"Tyler wanted to me to help him with the fucking album he's gonna release " he asked

Lying piece of shit.

"Oh that's great" I smiled.

"So, ready to do the dirty" I whispered in his ear.

"Can't, I have to shower and I'm tired" he shrugged while passing right by me.

"But you never sleep until you hit it" I said, truth was I didn't want to have sex with him I just wanted to see if he was willing to do it.

Since he fucked another woman.

"Tyler wouldn't stop talking about the music, it was just boring shit alright? So Ima take a shower and sleep" he screamed.

"MMM sure" I muttered

"What was that?" He turned his head.

"Oh nothing" I shook my head.

"Anyways I'm gonna go out, so see you later" I grabbed my things and headed out  because he could say anything I shut the door with a loud slam.

Time to visit the bitch


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