Chapter 9: Camping

Start from the beginning

Ji-Hee smirks as she looks at Jae-Hyun then points to him, "like that one," she winks at him. You never saw Jae-Hyun cringe so much in one spot. Usually, Taeyong is the one that cringes at everything. But right now, he's not just cringing but more terrified. He keeps looking at you with terror written across his face as she sits on his lap and caresses his cheeks. His entire body trembles at her touch.

"So, Jae-Hyun!" you abruptly spoke up which caught their attention. You froze as you saw everyone look at you, "um, when are they coming?" you ask as you walk behind the couch then rest your hands on his head as if you meant to do that. He leans his head backward to look at you.

He lets out a sigh of relief, "I had a text from Tae-Yong a while ago that they're on the way. So, any minute now they'll be here."  The moment he said that everyone heard loud knocks and bangs on the door.

"About damn time!" Jae-Hyun yells as he made gestures Ji-Hee to get up. Luckily, she was eager to see the rest of them so she stood up on behalf for a better view.

"Okay girls, let's get our luggage and go!" you said while grabbing your bag.

"Oh sweetie, you're still in your pajamas," Michelle said. You look down and notice you're still wearing your Rilakkuma pajamas. You shook your head in disbelief as you thought to yourself, how did I not notice?

You quickly run to your bedroom, of all of the things that you forgot. It was to change out of your Rilakkuma pajamas. You even packed extra clothes in your luggage. That's weird. As you look through your closet, you had a tough time picking what to wear. Let's see what looks good together, you thought as you look in your closet.

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While you're getting ready, everyone shoves their luggage into the vans. Tae-Yong drove one van and Johnny the next. Ten, Mark, Hae-Chan, Win-Win, Yuta, and soon you'll be going with Tae-Yong. Poor Jae-Hyun, the girls drag him into the van with Johnny, Tae-il, and Do-Young. He knew he would be stuck with one of the girls but not all of them! Excluding yourself of course. He wouldn't mind if it's only you. But turns out that your three friends like him the most out of all the members. He's somewhat disappointed that what you said is a lie. He wishes you're with him instead of with Yuta. Just the thought of it made him jealous. If the girls didn't drag him into this van then maybe he had a chance to separate you and Yuta. He could think of many possibilities to win you over. But he knows that Yuta never gives up. And now he won't have a chance anyway. Just thinking of what Yuta is doing to you as they left to go to the camp early. Johnny and everyone had had a hunch that you're going to take a while.

You're trying to decide what to wear still. You had a few options. Few pairs of shorts and shirts to choose from. You couldn't decide which colors to choose from. You have a purple shirt, blue shirt, black shirt, pink shorts, white shorts, and navy blue shorts. Weird variety of colors but you care less about that. As long as they feel comfortable and stylish then you're okay with it.

You heard loud and manly footsteps walking up the stairs towards your room. You wait silently until you hear their voice. You look at your door and see someone's shadow peaking beneath the door. Then you heard loud bangs on your door, which made you jump.

"Y/N! Are you done changing?" a familiar voice shouted, "Johnny left us," he included. You knew who it was the moment he said the first word.

You couldn't hide your big smile, "Yuta! Help me, please!"

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