-1- Books and Beginnings

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The stars shine about in the cool brisk night. The wind gently whistles through the trees.

What a sweet night to be in a graveyard.

You make your way to the hill at the far end, close to the forest. Along the way, you pass a grave that catches your eye. It says it's the grave of "Isaac." The last name was too scratched and faded to read, but it is such a pretty grave; the way the overgrown grass framed the faded stone.

You stand from your crouched position and continue you journey to your, ever so loved, hill. It has the best view in the whole town. It's surprising more people don't know about it.

You finally make it to your destination and settle into the surprisingly soft grass. You inhale the sweet night air. Time passes and the darkness darkens.

'Maybe I should go home soon?' you think, opening your eyes and staring at the waning moon. "Nah," you decide aloud enjoying yourself after a busy day of work.

A voice calls from the tree, alerting you, and bringing you to a wide eyed sitting position. You can't quite make it out, but upon your confusion it repeats its self, "And what might bring you here on such a chilly night?" The voice sounds playful and up beat yet menacing.

You decide to stay quiet, thinking maybe it's not talking to you.

"Oh come on now kiddo no need to be shy, it's just a simple question," it adds, enticing you to speak up.

"I, um, well, I was just enjoying the stars; but it's late and my sister is expecting me home any minute," you lie, standing and gathering what little belongings you brought.

"Well that's too bad. I was so hopping we could chat. You see, I don't run into many who want to chat," the voice, which now you assume is male, explains.

"Another time then," you reply, then begin scurrying down the hill.

"Until then," he says, laughing.

Chills dart up and down your back as his laugh fades into the darkness. You swiftly make it down the hill and past the tall, rusted old metal gates, leading out of the graveyard.

Finally home, you unlock your door then drop your blanket and phone on the couch. A sigh escapes your lips as you droop your head. "What an irregular encounter," you mumble.

A few tinks in the kitchen reward you with a delightful snack. With your success, you place yourself upon the couch, sinking into a warm, safe surrounding. You click on the T.V. and feast upon your reward, then find yourself sliding into the ever so familiar hug of sleep.

You wake up with a start, causing your phone to tumble to the ground. A soft pat followed by a thump, emanates around the room. You pull yourself off the ground and to your feet. A sigh signifies your reluctance to be conscious. A quick head shake, then off to the kitchen for a speedy breakfast before your list of errands. A glance at the time takes you aback.

It's almost noon.

You grab an apple, then take your leave as you sink your teeth into the tough fruit; juice filling your mouth with its sweet taste. Out the door, you make it to your car, "First things first, I have to stop by my friend Kasey's and return her book, then I have to go to my bank to deposit my check," you sigh, dropping your head onto the steering wheel.

That's not even half.

Thoughts of the graveyard run back to you and you smile. Oh how you wish that was where you were right now, and for the rest of the day.

You sit up straight, then start the car, "It has to be done!" you encourage yourself, pulling out if the parking spot.

Arriving at your friend's house, you sigh once more, cut the blaring music, and exit the vehicle. You get to the door and knock.

A loud high pitched laughter erupts from the crack of the door.

The door opens, and a small child appears with a large smile on their face.

"(Y/N)!" the small girls squeals in excitement.

An adult appears from around the corner with a three-year-old held in one arm.

"Alisa, I told you not to open the door without an adult accompanying you. Now go run along and play. Here take your brother," Kasey lectures. "Oh (Y/N), hi."

You smile and hold up her book.

She smiles in return, then collects the item from you. She steps to the side, expecting you to follow.

You reluctantly do so.

There was no objecting with her.

"So how have you been?" she asks as she enters the kitchen where you see Alisa and Alex scurry around the corner.

"Busy, as always," you reply with a little laugh, leaning against a table.

A small ruckus fills the room as the young woman gathers the required items for tea.

'The bank will have to wait.'

She finishes in the kitchen and you two find yourselves in the sitting room.

"So did you hear about the carnival that's supposed to be here tomorrow?" she inquirers, sipping her tea.

"No, I had no idea. Wonder how I missed it," you answer, repeating her movements.

Her two little ones race back into the room. Alisa has a book and an eager look on her face. She runs up to you, then crawls into your lap. She opens her book and points at a few pictures, then looks up for your approval.

You smile and fluff her hair before going back to paying attention to your friend.

"Oh yeah it's all the fuss," she begins to explain, swooping Alex up before he could join his sister in occupying your lap. He too has a book, though it's upside down. "It's apparently a really famous one. Very well known. John and I are gonna take the kids; make it a family day sorta thing!" she finishes with a smile, fixing her son's book.

"Well dang!" you reply watching your tongue. "Sounds fun. Maybe I will go. Where is it?"

"Not too far. I think you can walk to it from your house, through those woods you use to get to the graveyard?"

"Neat!" you exclaim. "If it's that close then I will go. I'm sure I can find time."

"Well if you can find time for that, then you can find time to come see me more; and not just to return a book," Kasey laughs, holding up the book you brought back to her.

"Okay deal. Maybe I will even watch your rugrats; but I do have to go. I have a few more errands to run, let's talk later," you say, setting your cup down and shooing the small child from your lap.

She springs off you, then runs to join her brother on her mom's lap.

You stand with a smile, then take your leave.

They never fail to make you smile.

Once back to your car you pull out a list and cross 'book' off. "Alright six more things then I'm off the hook for tomorrow," you say, tossing the list to the passenger's seat and starting the car.

You make it to the bank quicker than planed and tend to your bank needs, then head on your way.

With time, the list quickly finds itself complete. You land back in your parking spot; the place the list originally grew.

You smile and lean back in your seat, the sun hasn't quite set yet.

'I bet the cemetery looks amazing right now.'

Clicking the belt off, you whip open the door, slamming it behind you. "To the cemetery!"

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