Chapter 2

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La-la's POV

My girl Malayia called me and asked me to go get her early so I did. Now me, Malayia, and Jayla are in my room watching The Jamie Foxx Show on centric. 

"So what happened, 'Layia?" Jayla asked Malayia during a commercial break. I was kinda wondering too but I wasn't gona ask her. I was gona wait 'til she told me and if she didn't tell me I would ask that nigga Dashawn. Ugh, I can't stand that nigga. 

"I took care of myself. I show'd that nigga that I ain't just any girl he can beat on." Malayia replied to Jayla's question. 

"But what did you to him?" I ask her. 

"I went madea on his ass." She replied. Like THAT let us know what she did. 

"You shot him." Jayla said with fear all over her face. I wouldn't put it behind Malayia to do it either. Malayia is part of a thug family, they use guns. 

"No! I poured grits on his face and beat him with a belt." Malayia says all nonchalantly, like pouring grits on people is just an everyday thing. 

'You such a badass,"Jayla says. Then she got a text on her phone and her face lit up. It must be her mysterious boyfriend. Malayia and I haven't met him and they've been going out for almost a year now. She says he's always busy. I mean I know a nigga gotta make that paper but I know he ain't hustlin' 24/7. 

"Have you told Trey about Dashawn yet?" I ask Malayia. 

"Nah, i've been more concerned with showing Dashawn that he can't put his hands on me." Malayia said. 

"Guys, ima go." Jayla says while getting up and giving us a hug. " You betta tell Trey what happened." She tells Malayia before walking out the door. 

Jayla's POV

I know its wrong that I haven't let my girls meet my boo but he says that he's not ready for that yet. He says that it'll hurt Malayia and she'll be pissed off. I know its true but I just want my girls to meet him so much.

I got a text from my boo asking me to come over to his house. I'm so excited I haven't seen him in a month because he had business he had to take care of. I know most girls would probably think he cheatin but I know he wouldn't do that to me. 

I pull up in front of his house about 15 minutes later. I knock on the door but he didn't answer so I use the key he gave me and unlocked the door and walked in. He wasn't in the livingroom and he wasn't in the kitchen which was a shocker that nigga always be in the kitchen. I walk to his room and saw him laying on his bed with his headphones on. He noticed me standing in the doorway and motioned me to come lay with him.  

"What you listening to?" I mouthed to him. He took off his headphones and put them on my head. I heard B**** don't kill my vibe by Kendrick Lamar blast through the headphone speakers. I took the headphones off and handed them back to him. 

"I missed you, baby." He says while kissing on my neck. 

" I missed you too." I tell him back. He keeps kissing on my neck and it feels SO good. I missed him so much. "Baby, lets just watch a movie." I try and tell him without moaning. He kisses me on the lips.

"Is that really what you wanna do, ma?" He asks me while he hands roam my body. 

"Y-yes,"I say between moans. His hands stop roaming my body and he takes my hand and leads me to the livingroom. I sit on the couch and watched him go into the kitchen. Ugh, I can't take it. I go into the kitchen and sat on the counter. 

"What up, bae?" He asked me. He was standing between my legs so I wrapped my legs around him and kissed him. We made-out for 5 minutes then I felt him pick me up. 

He took me to his room and he layed me on the bed. His hands started roaming my body again, making me moan into his lips. He broke the kiss and took off his shirt. Damn, he's so sexy. 

The rest of the night we spent making love faces. 


Hope y'all are liking it!  Vote and comment, please. :) Sorry for any mistakes!

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