~Time skip~

After around 20 minutes of everyone practically begging (y/ n) and I to play truth or dare we gave in and sat down in the circle of heroes.
"Ok two rules. 1: you have to answer every truth truthfully, no bending the truth in any way, 2: you have to fully complete every dare that is given to you. Capeshe?" Explained Dick
"Capeshe." Replied the rest of the team

(Y/ n) p.o.v

"First up the new comer, (y/ n)"
"Ok...hmmmm" I looked around at everyone "beast boy. Truth or dare"
"I dare you to drink a whole bottle of ketchup while singing let it go in a bikini"
(A/n I actually dared one of my friends, who is a guy, to do this once. It was hilarious!)
Beast boy was about to protest when I reminded him of the rules "ah ah ah BB you know the rules" I smirked and everyone laughed
Beast boy growled "fine. But I don't own a bikini-"
"That's ok you can use one of mine." I smirked evily and stood up to get the bikini from my room,Conner go the ketchup, and Megan played let it go off of her phone.
After the song was done and the ketchup was drank everyone was laughing on the ground.
"I hate ketchup." Beast boy mumbled once he was changed back into his regular clothing. "Well it's my turn now so I pick nightwing. Nightwing truth or dare?"
"I dare you to get drunk for the rest of the game." We all started laughing
"Ok ok. A dare is a dare. Just let me go get some alcohol." He got up and went to the zeta tubes, three minutes later he came back with two bottles of wine. When he sat back down he opened the first bottle and started to chug it.
"Chug chug chug!" We all chanted as he finished the first bottle. He then opened the second one and drank it all. Once he was done he looked at all of us and started laughing.
"Whats so funny?" Asked blue beatle
"You little red!" He managed to say through the laughter and pointed at Tim
"Whats so funny about me?" Tim chuckled
"Everything!" He replied which made everyone laugh "t-truth orrr dare red robiiiiiiin" he slurred
"I dare you to play seven minuit in heaven with that one over there" he pointed to me and I blushed " I'm sorry I forgot your namememe"
Tim and I looked at each other "a dare is a dare" I shrugged and stood up. The entire team went to one of the closest. Tim and I stepped inside once the timer was started.
"I knew this would heaped at some point tonight; the entire game is a set up"
"Yeah." We stood in the dark closet I silence just looking at each other until Tim broke the silence "you know...We don't have to do anything if you don't want-" he was cut off by my lips against his and immediately kissed back.
Nobody p.o.v
The kiss soon turned into a heated make out session. Tim had (y/ n) against the wall as her legs were tightly wrapped around his waist.
(Y/ n) pulled away from Tim after realizing something "Wait wait wait..." she whispered out of breath "everyone is waiting outside the closet. And the seven minutes is almost up."
"Your right..." Tim set (y/ n) gently to the ground. They heard the timer go off and Tim whispered in her ear "we'll finish this later." He then opened the door smirking and walked back to the living room. The team, who were standing outside the closet door, looked from Tim to a flustered (y/ n) breathing heavily watching Tim walk away with wide eyes.
When they all sat back down in their circle the young justice team continued with their game.
Once they played a couple more rounds it was (y/ n)'s turn.
"Beast boy truth or dare?"
"Dare?" The green teen asked hesitantly. After the last dare she had given him he was a little nervous of what was to come.
And he should be!
(Y/ n) p.o.v
I smirked at the green boy who sat across the circle from me. My eyes wandered around the room at the other team members, Dick was slightly less drunk, Tim was wearing a clown costume, Wally was in a rainbow sequin tuxedo, Conner was wearing a tutu, Blue Beatle was covered in pink icing, Beast boy was forced to shape shift into a unicorn for the rest of the game, and Kaldur was wearing a bunch of little mermaid merchandise. And that was just the boys. The girls, including me, were each covered in different coloured paint and wearing black bikinis, Artemis was pink, Megan was orange, Zatana was purple, and I was a light blue...don't ask.
"Before you get your dare BB do you and Raven have a thing?" I asked BB and he blushed
"Yes..." I smirked at this. Me being a BBrae fan had to do something BBrae. I crawled across the floor towards beast boy everyone watching my every move, I then whispered into beast boys ear "your not a virgin are you?" (Beast boy and Raven are both 15) "no... why!?" He seemed slightly panicked "is raven?" "No." "Are the rooms here sound proof?" I whispered "yes. Why?" For the last time I whispered in beast boys ear "I dare you to have sex with Raven here. Don't tell anyone." I went back to where I was originally sitting
"What!? I can't do that!"
"Why not?" I chuckled
"Raven and I aren't that close anymore. And everything would just be weird between us if she doesn't want to."
"She'll want to."I smirked "now go complete your dare. We'll wait for you."
Beast Boy stood up and went to go call Raven. "What was that all about? And why does in involve Raven?" Connor asked
"That is for BB and I to know and all of you and hopefully Raven to never find out."
Then we all heard the robotic voice of the Zeta tubes.
Raven B17 (I don't know what her actual number thing is:/)
And my plan to make BBrae a real couple was set into action.
Beast boy p.o.v
This could either end very badly...or it could end very good😏
I stood in front of the Zeta tubes awaiting Ravens arrival.
Raven B17.
The Zeta tubes announced.
I walked over to Raven. "Hey rayray long time no see." I chuckled nervously
"Hello beast boy. What is this about?" She sounded annoyed
"You don't have a boyfriend do you?"
"No. What-" I kissed her and did that thing that turns her on. She moaned so I knew it was working. When we pulled away I looked her in the eyes and asked "Do you want to?"
"Yes."she nodded her head "I've missed you."
"I've missed you too." I grabbed her hand and started leading her through the hallways in the mountain. When we passed by the living room everyone was looking at us with curiosity evident on their faces. Well everyone except (y/ n) who had the biggest smile on her face. I rolled my eyes at her.
Once I closed and locked my bedroom door I immediately pinned raven to the wall with her hands above her head. I started attacking her neck with kisses paying extra attention to her sweet spot which caused her to moan loudly. I smirked at this and quickly scooped her up bridal style, and place on my green and black bed.
You can guess where things went from there
(Y/ n) p.o.v
"Come on! Just tell us!" Wally begged for the hundredth time
"No." I crossed my arms and turned away from him
"Fine then..." he looked like he was thinking, then an evil smirk appeared on his face "Connor I dare you to listen to what's going on in there until they come back out" Wally pointed to the hallway that contains all the bedrooms.
"No!" I yelled
Conner, who also wanted to know what the dare was, added "you know the rules: we must complete every dare"
I glared at him "fine...but you can't tell anyone what you hear for the rest of your life!"
The room was then filled with 'thats not fair!'s and 'aww man!'s but Conner replied with "ok" we all then went silent as Conner started to listen. At first he had a confused look on his face... but that soon changed when he realized what he was listening to. The kriptonians eyes widened and his face turned red "oh my god..."
I started laughing at him "told you ya wouldn't want to listen!"
"Oh my god! Why would you dare them to do that!?"
"Cause I ship BBrae!"
They all looked at each other confused, well besides Conner who was still bright red and cringing every couple seconds. "ship?" Artemis asked
I gasped "you guys don't know what shipping is!?"
A series of 'no's were heard throughout the super powered teens in the room.
After I got over my obvious shock I explained to them what shipping is.
"So your prety much saying people from your universe 'ship' us?" Tim asked
"Yep! Oh and there's also straight ships and gay ships"
They all looked horrified, but they were even more horrified by the answer to Tim's next question "who do they ship?"
"Lots of you guys! But I'd have to say my favorite is birdflash."
"Birdflash?" Wally asked
I smirked "The first robin and kid flash."
Everyone burst in to hysterical laughter. Well all except Dick and Wally, who were bright red, and of course Conner who had to listen to what, or rather who, Beast boy was doing (btw after I wrote this I started laughing at how stupid it was😂😂😂).
All of a sudden Conner stood up and yelled "holy fuck! Does anyone have any holy water!? I need to bathe in it for the rest of my life!" I burst into laughter while the rest of the team looked at him like he was the joker, and insane lunatic.
Then we all looked to beast boy and Raven who were walking out of BB's room. Raven was in a day dream and smiling uncontrollably, and the green teen who stood beside her had the same expression...well until he saw me and turned bright red.
"So beast boy, I'll call your later" said raven before she winked at him and walked to the zeta tubes.
Raven B17
Conner then ran away yelling "beast boy ill never look at you the same again! If I even can look at you!"
Then a half drunk Richard Grayson walked over to beast boy put his arm around him and said something the green skinned 15 year old would never forget "Well you and RaeRae must've done some pretty crazy stuff because Conner said he needed holy water after he completed his dare"
The once green boy turned a deep shade of red and stuttered "w-what w-was h-his d-dare?"
"To listen to what you were doing. Because (y/ n) wouldn't tell-" Dick was cut off (😂😂😂😂) by beast boys screaming
"Oh my god!" He then ran away leaving a confused team and a laughing (y/ n).

A/n I'm so sorry for waiting so long to update! School just started and things have been pretty hectic...buuuuuuuut I will be updating more often now,and the next chapter will take this story into more of a plotline (if.that. makesanysense.)

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