Chapter 9

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(Y/ n) p.o.v

Tim and I woke up to a gasp.

I looked at the foot of my bed to see Damian, he looked shocked to see Tim in my bed, well then again anyone would.

Without another thought Tim jumped on top of Damian. Any other day and any other time Damian would have gotten away, but right now he was too shocked to fight back. I helped Tim strap Damian to the chair in front of my vanity, using the few scarves I had.

"You will not tell anyone what you saw here."Tim said coming to stand beside me.

Damian smirked "What makes you so sure? How will you convince me to keep quiet?"

"Ill give you my dessert for a week."Tim quickly said

"I do not need you sweets-" I cut him off

"Tim will do whatever you say for the next 24 hours!"


"Okay it a deal. Now could you remove these restraints!" He yelled at me.

Just as I was about to untie Damian there was knock at my door. Tim and I looked at each other.

"The window!" I whisper/yelled. Tim climbed out one of the many Windows in my room, and down to the garden.

"Come in!" I called to whoever was at my door, while completely forgetting Damian was still tied up in my room.

"Miss (y/ n) lovely to see that you are awake! I-" Alfred saw Damian tied up and I mentally face palmed "may I ask why the young master Damian is in restraints?"

Damian glared at me for not untying him earlier "I-umm...he was...trying to prank me and I caught him and tied him up." Hopefully he bought it

"Master Damian must you always prank everyone?" Alfred asked while untying him

"Yes Alfred, I must" Damian replied once he was free, then he ran out the door.

"Miss (y/ n) breakfast will be served in 15 minutes, I suggest you dress yourself appropriately; master Bruce has a guest. Oh and do you have any idea as to where master Tim is? He is not in his room." 

"I think I saw him in taking a walk in the garden not too long ago."

Tim p.o.v

When I, as quietly as I could, walked back into the manor I was greeted by Dick giving me a questioning look, and Alfred walking down the stairs.

"Master tim! Did you have a nice walk?" Alfred asked happily

"Walk?"I asked

"Miss (y/ n) said that you went for a walk, did you not?" Then it clicked in my head, it was the cover story for why I was coming through the front door.

"Y-yes, I did have a nice walk!" I answered, Alfred smiled and walked to the kitchen.

Dick strode over to me with his hands behind his back "Yeah Tim, did you have a nice walk out (y/ n)'s window?"

"W-what?" I questioned knowing exactly what he meant.

"Don't play dumb little bird I know there is something going on between you and (y/ n), and I will find out what it is" his serious face went back to his regular smile as he walked away.

I ran up the stairs to go change out of my pajamas.


(Y/ n) p.o.v

When I get to the dinning room I see a red haired girl sitting next to Jason. Barbara.

I squealed when I saw her, which caused everyone to look at me.

"Oh dear god, not this again..." Damian said rolling his eyes

"Your Barbara Gordon!"

"Yes...and you are?"

"I'm (y/ n) (l/n)! It's really nice to meet you!" I smiled "wow! You look so much prettier in real life!"

"Thanks,but what do you mean by 'real life'?"

"Well, I am from a different dimension where everyone in this dimension are movie and comic book characters. And I created this dimension using one of my superpowers" I sat down at my usual spot at the table

"Hmm"she nodded her head

"Breakfast is served"Alfred announced walking out of the kitchen with our breakfast on two large silver trays.

Today's breakfast was eggs and cheese, bacon, pancakes, and orange juice.

"Thank you Alfred!" everyone called to him in unison as he returned back to the kitchen.

Everyone started to eat and sip their orange juice, Damian on the other hand chugged his orange juice and said " Drake fetch me some more orange juice, but not from the jug I want the juice freshly squeezed with no pulp."

Everyone looked from Damian to Tim to see how he would react. Tim just got up and grabbed Damians glass then said throughout gritted teeth. "Ok..." Everyone, besides Damian and i, we're shocked.

When he passed by me he mumbled "I blame you for this" I just smiled and shook my head then continued eating. After getting over the overall shock of what just happened, everyone else soon followed my actions.

"Damian, you could be a little nicer and I've him easier tasks" I whispered to Damian who was sitting beside me.

"I only have one day to do this (l/n), I will use this day wisely" he whispered back

3rd person p.o.v

Throughout the day the tasks kept getting harder and harder. Closer to the end of the day Damian trashed his room, throwing books all over his room, ripping the sheets off of his bed, and throwing his clothes in with the mix of books,weapons, and bed spread that covered his room.

"Drake!" Damian called from upstairs.

Tim, not wanting Damian to tell anyone about this morning, ran to Damians room "Yes Damian?"

Damian smirked "Clean my room. I want it done in 30 minutes. If it is not you will have do reassemble my motorcycle, which I will take apart, in 15 minutes. Your time starts now." He clicked the starts button on a cooking time he got from Alfred, and handed it to a sad Tim.

"Ok..."he replied with a frown.

As soon as Damian left Tim got to work on the mess of a room.

"Need some help?" (Y/ n) asked stepping into the room

"No I'm pretty sure i can do this all by myself in under 30minutes!" He replied sarcastically, (y/ n) rolled her eyes "what I meant to say was, yes I would love some help." And with that they got to work. They cleaned Damians room with one minute to spare.

When the timer went off Damian entered his freshly cleaned room to find nobody inside. Damian searched the manor for Tim, so he could boss him around some more. After a while of looking he found him only he wasn't alone, Tim and (y/n) were curled up together asleep on the couch. Damian didn't bother to wake them because he didn't care who knew about their secret relationship.

So with a smirk Damian walked out of the living room and said "Not my problem!"

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