3- For Good, Not Glory.

Start from the beginning

So what was wrong with him?

"He had another face on the back of his head.Hideous as a devil.No one else could hear what it said, but it whispered to Edward incessantly of things only spoken of in hell. He tried to kill it. Many times in many ways.But it wouldn't die."

"So what happened to him?" Bette asked now, joining in on the conversation.

"He went mad.His family had him committed to the crazy house at Bedlam.Truth be told, they were only too happy to have the family freak banished from sight.In the crazy house, he wrote poetry. Anyways I have to go check on Y/N." Ma grabbed a bottle of Vodka and started to chug it down slowly like it was water. I was shocked to see her drinking like it was nothing. She got up to walk out of the tent to go check on Y/N, Before she could make it I grabbed her to pull her to the side.


"What?" She looked at me like I was dumb.

"What the hell was all that about?" Not understanding why she was drinking.

"Carny lore-"

"Not that, The drinking! Ma, you swore off the stuff."

"Well, I'm swearing back on-"

"Why? What is it, Dell? You been on edge ever since he got here."

"You don't know shit! Matter of fact, I'm glad he's here. We need a man around this dump.Means you're free to go.Oh, don't give me that look. You know you been itching to take off. If you are going to, take Y/N with you, Even a blind man could see she obviously loves you and would do anything for yah."

I let go of my grip on her letting her leave the tent to go see Y/N. I remember the first time I had meet her, I always thought that someone really was looking out for people like us, Because they had sent us a Beautiful Angel. She put smiles on our faces and almost did everything for us so we barely had to lift a finger. She did not judge us, she saw was was true in our hearts who we really were. There was never a point for any of us where we were so lost she could not find us and guide us to the right path, the path with light and better futures for all of us. Part of me knew that she wasn't lying.

~ Y/N's P.O.V ~

I could feel it wash over me. Guilt, Arrogance, Recklessness, Foolishness, and Fear. Those emotions were the only thing I could feel at the moment. Its the end for me all over again. I close my eyes so I could try to picture my perfect world. Everything you want will change over time, whether I like it or not. At any point in our life's it happens to all of us, multiple times even. This is not at all what I want, but it was what I got. I thought I, I hoped that I could cheat my way through my life. Become a performer, have the perfect family, be with the person I love so very much. I barely knew what was right and wrong up until this point> The only thing I truly knew was, The game was rigged from the start. Ever since Meeps death I laid on my bed, eyes open looking up at the ceiling. I planned on continuing to do that for as long as I could, Until Ethel walked into my trailer. Not bothering to knock because she knew she wouldn't be Interrupting what I was doing. She came into my room to Pull up a chair across from her, I didn't even move my head to look at her.

"I need to talk to you anyway.I got a favor to ask-"

"Are you drunk?" I asked staring up at the ceiling.

"No, But how can you tell that I've been drinking?" she asked confused.

"I can smell it on you, I can smell it on your breath."

"I could've been a better person." Ethel sighed at my comment.

"I'm gonna get down to business.If you notice that I've been being shady with dell, Its because he is Jimmy's dad. But, he is never, ever to know that's his pa, Never..Cookie cutter was never in My cards. I know that its in yours. Jimmy's lost, He is floundering. He's got one foot in this life, one foot out there.

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