18: The Unexpected Lunch

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Siya's Pov

I was in my office, looking for a new strategy to get back at Kanishk when Vihaan came running into my office.

"Woah, what happened? Here, drink some water," I say and give him the glass of water I had kept on my table.

He takes the glass, sits in front of me, and gulps down the water in a single stroke.

"What happened?" I ask again looking at him who was taking long breaths to calm down.

"Mr. Juan just called, he wants to work with us, I don't know what happened, one second I was having a breakdown over how we are going to get this project back from your husband, and the next second Mr. Juan was calling informing me that he wants to work with us," he says and I look at him surprised.

"What? Seriously?" I ask, still not believing.

"Yes, not only that, he says that we should start the work next month itself, he wants a presentation by tomorrow and he will give the rest of the information later," Vihaan says with wide-open eyes.

"But how is this possible?" I ask myself rather than Vihaan.

"Even I have no idea," he says and stands up immediately. "I gotta go an inform everyone and start with the presentation preparation," he says.

"Yes, you do that, and please give this to Jiya on your way out," I say giving him a file.

Once Vihaan left, I wondered what must've happened to Mr. Juan to give us the project back and why, why did Kanishk backed out.

I decided I needed a strong coffee right now to clear out my mind, I got up and walked out of the office towards the small kitchen in our office.

As I poured my coffee and walked out, I felt something out of place, there were hushed murmurs among the employees and they were staring at my cabin door. Some girls were all suddenly touching up their faces with makeup and some were doing their hair.

What the hell?

Irritated I walked towards my cabin, I will tell Vihaan later to inform the employees about their unprofessionalism and if I found it again, I won't hesitate to fire them.

I walked inside my cabin irritated and shut the office door and turned around only to stop dead in my tracks to see my very very loving husband sitting on the sofa in my cabin looking around.

I stood there surprised and shocked. I never thought I would be seeing my husband in my office, ever.

Kanishk finally took notice of me standing there and gave me a hesitant smile. "Hey," he says and stands up, walking up to me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask once I was out of my shock and registered that Kanishk was actually here and talking to me.

"I brought us lunch," he says and I must've looked more surprised because Kanishk just gave me a smile.

"Really?" I ask not believing.

"There," he says and points at the takeout kept on my table. "I wanted to apologize to you about today morning and also-" he says and puts his hands in his pockets. "I'm also sorry about yesterday," he finishes.

"Really?" I ask as if that word was stuck in my throat, I mean this day was totally unexpected, I deserve to say 'Really'.

Kanishk looked at me as if I had lost my mind, "Are you okay?" he asks and I shake my head, clearing my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I was just-" I say and walked towards the couch. "Come let's have lunch," I say before I make a fool of myself.

Kanishk looked unsure about my reaction but still followed me and sat down on the couch, with only a little bit of space between us.

Finally, I decided to ask him about the thing that was bugging me. "Why did you back out of the deal?" I ask as he keeps serving the delicious butter chicken on my plate. How did he know I loved butter chicken, I looked at him suspiciously.

"It was not mine in the first place," he says and gives me my plate and he takes his.

"What?" I ask confused, "But then why did you even propose the project idea to Mr. Juan," I say and take my first bite of the chicken and almost moan at the delicious taste.

"Well, it was not me," he says and looks at me, "Aisha," I give him a dangerous glare as soon as he says her name, "she is- actually, she was the PR manager of my company, she proposed the deal to Mr. Juan without asking me," I look at him confused than before.

"Wow, your PR manager has that much authority that they can personally propose the deal?" I ask astounded.

"I just told you, she did it without asking me," he says pointing out, "anyway, she manipulated my employees saying that it was me who asked them to make a project idea and she submitted it to Mr. Juan this morning, without asking me," he says the last sentence again and I stop myself from smiling.

"I still have no idea why did you back out? You had a great opportunity to work with a foreign client and make more zeros," I say and he just looks at me.

"I knew how much you had worked on this project Siya, I just couldn't steal it from you, I work fair, the project was yours first," he says and something fluttered in my belly, something really good.

"That's-" I was short of words. First, he came all the way to my office to apologize, secondly, he brought me my favorite food so we could have lunch together and third, he knew, he knew how hard I had worked to get this project done for the past month and I had thought he didn't notice me at all.

"Thank you," I whispered looking at him and he just smiled.

"So we're good right? You're no longer angry at me?" he asks and I smile this time.

"No, all is forgiven, just warn me before taking over my projects in the near future," I say in a teasing tone to which he just scowled at me.

"I told you-" he was saying but was cut off when my cell rang.

"It's your mom," I say showing him the screen and he just raised his brows and just continued eating.

I pick up the call and put it to my ear, "Hello mom, how are you?" I greeted her.

"I'm fine Siya, how are you?" she asks and I look over at Kanishk to see him staring at me. I immediately looked away feeling something strange, I'm sure I was blushing.

I don't blush, why was I blushing?

"I'm fine too, mom," I reply, deciding to ignore the intense staring my husband was giving me right now.

"Good, I called you to let you know that Holi is next week, and after marriage it is your very first festival with Kasnishk so you've to celebrate it with us, so come to Goa, that idiot son of mine took you to Bangalore as soon as you got married, we did not get to spend time together," she says and I chuckled when she called him Idiot.

I looked at Kanishk to see him studying me.

Why was he staring at me? 

Do I have something on my face? I frown touching my face and when I found nothing I gave Kanishk a glare at which he just laughed.

"Sure mom, I'll definitely come," I say.

"How many days can you live with us after?" she asks again.

"Maybe two-three days," I say.

"Good, then come soon, we will be waiting, and inform Kanishk too, tell him he has to come," his mom said and I looked at Kanishk who was back again staring at me.

Why does he keep staring at my face?

"Sure mom, bye," I say and cut the call, and turned back towards Kanishk.

"What?" I ask looking at him and he shrugs his shoulders.

"I didn't say anything," he says and I give him a suspicious glare.

Something is going on with him.


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