Family Reunited

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Naruto cried there as Minato tried to comfort his crying son when a red blur approached them at high speed and skid to stop in front of them. It was Kiyomi in Kushina's body, but her features had changed. Kiyomi now mostly have all of her features from the real world except the hair color and eye color and some face features but everything had changed, she had gotten shorter or Minato just got taller. She wore a black summer dress with a yellow belt, and yellow doll shoes, her hair is on lose n it wavy V cut with a yellow head band in her head.

"Sochi kun! Are you alright? Are you hurt? Say something, dattebane, you're worrying me!" Kiyomi asked as she checked around Naruto.

"I'm fine, kaa chan." Naruto said as she wiped the tears away, Kiyomi smiled lovingly and wiped the tears away as she sat down next to Minato and she settled her son in her lap as she cradled him and Naruto hugged her as he slowly fell asleep.

"Kiyomi.....i...I'm sorry about everything" Minato said

"Oh no, it's fine. I understand what you're feeling so it'd okay" Kiyomi said as she looked at Minato.

"No! it's not alright! It's not fair to you, not to me, and not to Naruto! You can't fool me with that mask Kiyomi. I know what I did to you and that was hurt you. I am hurt too that I saw Kushina's face but someone if in there *Kiyomi looked away* but I am willing to accept you. I accept that Kushina is gone and you did not choose to be living in this sort of life. The others and I are just making things harder for you. And I'm sorry for that" Minato said, Kiyomi looked at Minato as she eye smiled and a lone tear slid down her cheeks as Minato wiped it away

"It's fine Minato. I should be sorry for running and playing with you. I just want you to know that I had gone undercover as Natsume Dragneel. I just had to get that out of my chest, dattebane" Kiyomi said

"You lied to me but you had done it for a reason and it got you hurt and almost died. I think we're even" Minato said.

"Yeah...." Kiyomi said as she summoned a clone and handed her Naruto. Kiyomi then dug through her bag and pulled out a picture frame and handed it to Minato.

"I had my clone transformed into you so we can take a family picture. Knowing Naruto would ask for one, I wouldn't deny you to him like I already had hid him for 7 years" Kiyomi said as the clone her carried Naruto to the base of the mountain.

"Thank you, Kiyomi"



Kiyomi smiled as she tuck Naruto in the bed. She's currently at Minato's guest room. She then kissed Naruto's forehead and walked out as she turned off the lights. Kiyomi walked to the living room where she found Minato with Fugaku, Mikoto, Hiashi, and Hizashi talking. They all turned to her.

"Sorry for disturbing you....i uh...just put Naruto to bed, I have to leave soon and go back to Ame, dattebane" Kiyomi said as she avoided their stares and bowed.

"Wait....its already dark, it's dangerous. Just stay" Minato said

"No...I have to bring my report back to Amekage sama, dattebane. Please excuse me" Kiyomi forcefully pulled her wrist away and bowed again before she rushed out of the house.

"What is she doing here?" Mikoto narrowed her eyes

"I think you should stop Mikoto. Let Kushina go" Minato said as he faced her

"What?! Are you just going to replace her with that wit-"

"Watch your words, Mikoto. She's the mother of my son. You're not the only one who felt pain in this mess, Kiyomi's shouldering it all and you're just completely mourning over Kushina's death for the past 8 years, can't we just let her go and accept Kiyomi on who she really is?! She's carrying out burden you know? She from another world in Kushina's body, so what? The fact that she saved our lives even from afar is enough to prove that she did not want to intrude and mess with our lives but made it better. Did you know that Obito was suppose to die years ago and Kiyomi was there and save him, because of her we had prevented Rin from dying, because of her Hizashi is still alive, because of her I shouldn't have known who's pulling the string, don't think I didn't know about the Rebel Plans of the Uchiha Fugaku because I do, Kiyomi can tell us the future, and when out continue the rebel plans, Itachi is destined to massacre his flesh and blood except for Sasuke who in return going to go rogue and hunt his brother down for a battle to the death who will regret it after and seek vengeance in the leaf. Danzo in twisting you minds, it's not true that you don't have enough power. Everyone should be thankful for Kiyomi when she had saved the whole village from the nine tails who was destined to destroy the leaf 7 years ago. None of that happened because she's dedicating her life on working so hard to stop the War coming in a few years, it's the most tragic one because it's going to be a bloody battle. I am wounded too when Kushina died but it's time to face the fact that she's gone!" Minato said

"You like her don't you?" Hiashi asked

"Yes, yes I have grown to love her. I realized that earlier. She still have Kushina's feelings, personality and memories, so when we react like that when she told us it had hurt her deeply, because to her it feel's like she had spent time with us and we just turned our backs"






"...tou san....where's kaa chan?" Naruto yawned as he entered the room, rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes

"She left a few minutes ago to Amagakure, she said that she have something to discuss with Yahiko" Minato said as she patted Naruto's head

"Eh? She did?" Naruto asked as she sat down in the sofa and took his phone and scrolled down for message

"By the way, Mikoto, Fugaku, Hizashi, Hiashi this is my pride and joy, my son-"

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze and I'm going to become Hokage someday, dattebayo!" Naruto grinned and bowed

"He's nice.....he have 'her' personality" Mikoto murmured

"I suggest you don't emphasize my kaa chan's name like that, forehead lady" Naruto frowned


"Forehead lady" Naruto deadpanne

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