“How did you do it?” He started asking Jimin.


“How did you get Rose to date you?” Taehyung asked him while leaning on the counter as he waited for Jimin’s response. Jimin paused and took a bite on an apple before facing his friend.

“I don’t know.” He said facing the food again. Taehyung’s shoulders dropped in disappointment. “It’s pretty surreal that she’s my girlfriend now.” Jimin giggled. “I didn’t actually think it was possible but…it happened. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.” Jimin said biting his lip.


“Bro, you got this. You’re our Kim Taehyung, you can get girls just by looking at them..”

“Yeah, I know that but this is Lisa we’re talking about. She’s…a bit strange but I do like her. I don’t even know why I’m nervous when this isn’t my first time confessing to a girl…”

“That’s true…” Jimin said furrowing his eyebrows thinking about V’s experiences with girls before. “Look, it’s been a long time since you dated. Maybe that’s why you’re nervous. Ease up, you can do this.” Jimin said fixing Tae’s clothes.

“There. All set and very dashingly handsome. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll have to check on my girlfriend.” Jimin said exiting the kitchen with his phone on his ear. “Hey, Chaeyoungie good morning! How was your sleep?”

Taehyung watched Jimin as he disappeared from his kitchen. He sighed and scoffed at himself. “He’s so whipped.”

Lisa woke up at the sound of Rose giggling and laughing on the phone.

“No, it’s okay. You can go with them. I think I’ll go with the girls to school…Yeah, I have a class by 12 so I guess I’ll see you in the studio later…Oh that’s perfect! Sounds fun…” She hummed. “Okay, see you. Bye…saranghaeyo~” She whispered the last words. Lisa couldn’t help but cover her face with the pillow.

When she saw Rose get up, she gets up as well and teased Rose. “Aww…you guys are so sweet. I just wish you don’t turn out to be one of those annoying couples who are too sweet even in public…”

“Tch, that won’t happen…”


“Of course, not in public.” Rose naughtily added.

“Ew, gross! Get away from me!” Lisa said pushing Rose off the bed to which Rose just laughed at.

“I bet you’re going to be worse than me. Whoever your boyfriend is gonna be 100 bucks says he’ll be kinky or if not, a closet perv.”

“Wow, one day and a half with your boyfriend and now you and him are suddenly one and the same. I don’t think I’ll ever date.”

“Whatever!” Rose said and gets out of their room.

Lisa looked at the door and fell back on the bed. She suddenly remembered what happened last night.

She excused herself from the group to go to the restroom to freshen up. She was feeling excited because Taehyung asked her out to do something that night so she was looking forward to it.

She was tying her hair into a ponytail when the girl from earlier who arrived with Tzuyu came out from a cubicle. Lisa was going to ignore her when she stepped up and introduced herself.

“Hey, you’re one of BlackPink right? I’m Nayeon by the way.” She said bowing a little.

“Hello, I’m Lisa.” She doesn’t want to stay longer but she doesn’t want to be rude as well so she acted slowly hoping that she wouldn’t opt for a conversation.

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