Louis: "Good." (stands up) "Cause there's no reason I shouldn't be comfortable with it. Right?"

Harry: (stands up) "Right.."

Louis: "Alright, So it's settled. 30 days. 30 photos."

Harry: "Really!" (smiles) "Oh my gosh, this is such an honor. I hear you're the best photographer in L.A."

Louis: "Yeah.. I can take a good photo." (looks Harry up and down) "But a picture is nothing without a good model."

Harry: "Do you think I have what it takes?"

Louis: "You're definitely a good looking.." (clears throat) "boy.."

Harry: (blushes) "You're not too bad yourself.."

Louis: "Excuse me?"

Harry: (nervous) "I'm sorry I was just.. joking."

Louis: "Wait so you didn't mean what you said?"

Harry: "Um.. is this a trick question?"

Louis: "No.." (awkward)

Harry: (serious) "Then no. I wasn't joking."

Louis: "Well you should be cause that's just... weird."

Harry: "You're right." (sad)

Louis: "Alright well let's get this show on the road.." (leads Harry to the photography station) "Ok so here's where I take all my pictures.."

Harry: "Wow.." (looks at camera) "This is amazing!" (reaches for it)

Louis: "Hey!" (smacks hand away) "Don't touch!"

Harry: "Ouch!" (defeated) "I-Im sorry.."

Louis: "Ok well, let's just get started then. Time is money."

Harry: (looks down at his clothes) "Do I just um-"

Louis: "Yeah just.. take them off." (clears throat) "If you want!"

Harry: "Well.. here goes nothing.."

(Harry slowly takes clothes his off, strips down to just underwear)

(Harry slowly takes clothes his off, strips down to just underwear)

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Louis: "Uhm.." (looks him up and down) "I see you like to keep in shape."

Harry: "Well I figure I have too cause I'm ya know.. (eyes wide) "a model."

Louis: "Right.."

Harry: "Nobody wants a flabby model." (chuckles)

Louis: "Well you're umm.." (swallows) "certainly not flabby."

Harry: "Uh.. thanks.."

Louis: (shakes head) "Yeah.."

Harry: "I'm ready when you are.."

Louis: "I'm ready. Why wouldn't I be ready?"

Harry: "You just looked a little.. out of it."

Louis: "Just stand in front of the camera, please." (pointing)

Harry: "Ok.." (walks in front of the camera) "Here?"

Louis: (views through camera lens) "Hmm.. maybe a little more to the left."

Harry: (moves) "Here?"

Louis: (pointing) "A little more."

Harry: (keeps moving) "How about here?"

Louis: "Ok.." (mumbles under breath) "You're perfect.."

Harry: "Sorry I couldn't hear you!"

Louis: "I said it's perfect!"

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