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"Rumpelstiltskin! The queen shouted out the real name of Rumpelstiltskin confidently. Rumpelstiltskin was so angry and he left and never come back again."

"If the Rumpelstiltskin wanted a child so badly, he could've just…" Luhan trailed.

"He could've just what?"

"Oh well, go around and simply look for any girl and fuck her." He laughed.

"Then you might as well as go around and simply look for a girlfriend, then fuck her." Yunling said coldly and walked away.

"Yah! Don't be mad! I was just…kidding." Luhan chase behind Yunling and hugged her. "You know that I only love you."

"Go away and look for your girlfriends on the street." Yunling struggled out from Luhan's arms and told him.

Fairytale || Luhan [SSS #4]Where stories live. Discover now