The Birth of Hatred™

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After the large rock that pinned the dragonet was rolled off, the Sandwing immediately scrambled over to his father. "C-Cobra..!", he choked out, nudging the limp body of the dead father. No answer. Tears streamed down from his eyes as the cloth slipped off Cobra's face, revealing his cloudy eye the nasty scar on his right from shrapnel. Teardrops fell onto the cloth as he picked it up gingerly and tied it around his neck. "NO MY POOR BABY!!!", a voice screamed. It was Lizard.  He immediately ran over to the hole where the mothers and children hid.

Lizard cradled two eggs. One had a large crack in it from a sharp piece of shrapnel was blasted in, hitting his brother's egg. "Lizard?". He looked down into it. "Scorch! Scorch you're alive!", his mother sobbed. "Will he live?", Scorch asked gingerly after giving his mother a reassuring nuzzle. "I-I don't know", she stammered worriedly. "Where is Cobra?!", Lizard suddenly yelped while her son gave her a saddened look.

" H-He's dead.......".

The mother broke into an ugly sob, shaking wildly with each sob. "C-Cobra!!", her voice cracked, wishing she could see his handsome face one more time.

"I'll make them pay-".

"I promise".


Scorch hung limp, chained to a boulder. His dusty colored scales were splattered scarlet with his own blood.





With a sudden surge of strength and anger, Scorch roared wildly at the disappearing forms of the Gold Battalion. He struggled and thrashed against the chains, still roaring madly. His stinger swiped at the smoldering sand furiously as his roars and thrashing continued. Hatred boiled deep inside him, hotter than the sun."I PROMISED!!", he screamed out.


A single tear rolled down his cheek.

Morning Dew Art-Book #3Where stories live. Discover now