chapter 19

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angie's pov

Leon's staying over tonight. German left last night for his business trip. I miss him so much! I hardly slept last night, nothing felt right. We all just had dinner and Léon and vilu are upstairs in her room and im in the living room. I think im going to call German, I cant stand not hearing his voice. I pick up the phone and dial his number. He picks up first ring and laughs.

-Hey Angie, I was just about to call you. How everything going?

- yeah everything's good we just had dinner and vilu and Léon are upstairs and..

-Wait there upstairs alone!

I couldn't help but laugh.

-Yes but there just singing, I can here them from here.

He lets out a big breath of relive that I can hear even over the phone.

- So how's the business trip going? 

- Its going great! I really miss you though.

- I miss you to!

I start walking into the kitchen with the phone still in my hand. I lean on the counter and stair though the window into the garden. Wait! I thought I just sore something go past the window.

- That was weird.

- What? Angie?

- Oh don't worry. I thought I sore something go past the window, I must be crazy.

German and I both laugh. I look towards the window again to see a woman climbing though.


- ANGIE! Whats wrong!

I drop the phone in shock! The figure turns around.

Its jade.

- You reached tutor! You messed up everything!

I just stared at her in shock. Then bent down to pick up the phone. I dint have time to move before she grabbed the hot  frying pan from the counter and hit me round the head.

Then everything went blurry. I had just enough time to whisper Jade into the phone before I blacked out.

Germans pov

- ANGIE! What's wrong!

She doesn't answer. Angie has to answer, what could be wrong. I cant lose her. I can hear some people talking but I cant make out any of the words. Then all of a sudden a loud bang is all I hear.


I shout into the phone. I never should have left her. If something happened to her..


Angie whispered into the phone.


No response. I cant lose Angie she's all I have. What about vilu. Violetta! She could be in danger. I dial her number and she picks up after a couple of rings.


- Dad, Dad! What are you talking about!

She sounds like she's crying now. I didn't realize I was to.

- I don't know vilu. I was on the phone to Angie and...


- There was a loud bang and she didn't answer and..


She hangs up. Violetta cant go downstairs, it's to dangerous! I cant lose her.

Violetta's pov

- There was a loud bang and she didn't answer and..


I have to get to her. Nothing else matters. I end the call and chuck the phone on bed and run to Léon.


-What about her vilu, What's wrong?

- Downstairs, please come.

I can hardly get a sentence out between my cry's. I lost my Mother, I cant lose Angie to. I don't care what my dad said I have to get to her. I run downstairs and Leon follows. I run in the kitchen to find Angie on the floor, her face covered in blood. I run up to her.


She's still breathing, but theres a lot of blood.


I scream as loud as I can and pull Angie's head into my lap.

- Everything will be okay Angie, just don't leave me!

I gently stroke her hair as Olga and Romallo walk in. Romallo runs up to us but Olga stays back next to Léon.

- Do you know what happened to her vilu.


I cant stop crying now.

- Olga call an ambulance! Vilu call your Dad and tell him what's happening! Here's my phone.

He hands me his phone and I call Dad. He answers instantly.

- Romallo! What's happening!


My voice breaks.

- Oh vilu, are you okay? What going on!

- I don't know, there calling an ambulance for Angie because of her head, its bleeding so much and she's unconscious. Daddy I need you! I need Angie! Please help me.

- Don't worry vilu, I will come home right now! Stay with Leon. I love you.

- Okay, see you soon. I love you Dad.

I hang up and run into leons arms. He look so shocked at what's happening. Angie's hand moves a little and I instantly run to her.

- Angie please, wake up!

She opens her eyes and everyone lets out a breath of relief. I hug her instantly.

- oh Vilu. Are you okay?

- Yes, how's your head?

- My head?

She looks confused as she reaches up and touches her head but her hand comes away covered in blood.

- oh!

- It's okay Angie, an ambulance is coming. We are all here, Dads coming home right now. He's so worried about you. What happened?

- Jade. That all I remember.

So Jade did this.

- Its okay Angie, your safe.

She hugs me.

- I need to call German.

She looks around and sees her phone on the ground next to her and picks it up and dials a number.

- German?

-Im okay, im so sorry.

I can only hear what Angie's saying not what's Dads saying.

- yes jade, im sure.

- I love you to.

She puts her phone down and we here the sound of an ambulance. I grab her hand a smile.

- Together?

She smiles back at me.

- Always.

thanks for reading! Sorry that was sad! But trust me its all part of my plan ;) please comment and vote! btw if any of you like twilight I just posted an esme's story book about Esme's life before she met the Cullen's. I would love it if you checked it out! 

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