Chapter 2

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When we arrived at art, I made my way over to my usual working area by the window, that I often looked out of for inspiration. And as I suspected Bastian trailed behind me this whole following thing won't last long though, as soon as he catches wind that I'm a 'freak' he'll be off, so I decided to make the most of it while I could.

Kate took this class as well. Why I couldn't tell you. It's not as though she tried or showed any interest in the subject. I sat down on the wooden stool as the old wooden table covered in all sorts of paint, glue and other things I couldn't identify. Bastian was about to sit right next to me when Kate appeared out of nowhere.

"No Bastian, don't sit there. No one ever does, come sit over here with me" Kate said, pointing towards a table at the other side of the class room, were all her other wannabe 'friends' were sitting, their flirty faces had nothing on Kate's teasing expression, while licking her lips. Could she be any more obvious? Bastian looked uninterested, and not as nervous as he did in registration. As he said.

"Err...Thanks, but no thanks, I'd rather sit next to Alexa here, prefer her company" he said in the bored tone he had used before. Why is this guy turning down the most popular girl in the school? Is he nuts? Any new guy would love the attention of a girl who was tall thin and blonde with huge boobs. And most importantly why is he choosing me over her? Waite, that's stupid he's not choosing me over her, he's just being kind, probably just feeling g sorry for me. The whole class was listening in; Kate was about to explode with an angry retort when once again she was interrupted by the teacher Miss. Johnston.

"Kate go to your seat, I'm sure Bastian doesn't want you bombarding him with questions" By the look of Kate's face she was about to say something like, I wasn't asking him questions, I was being kind and helpful by steering him away from the looser, so it doesn't ruin his rep. But she obviously though better of it, embarrassed she walked over to her seat, 'accidently' stroking her hand along Bastions shoulder, and swaying her hips more than was necessary, to try and get people-mainly the boys- to forget about what just happened, I mean who says no to Kate, no one, that's who, well up until now anyway.

I looked at Bastian unable to hide the frown and while the art teacher explained to everyone what we had to do today, I whispered.

"What was all that about, why did you move next to her? I mean I don't mind you sitting next to me, but you know she's going to practically stalk you until you give in and go join her group of admires."

"I just didn't want to sit next to her; she doesn't exactly seem like the nicest person. And that whole Barbie look, really doesn't do it for me, I prefer hem to be slightly different"

He said in that irresistible soft voice, then flashing me with that award winning dimpled smile"

"Aah stop smiling!" I had spoken before I could stop my self- shit!

He didn't seem angry about that just slightly confused.

"Erm, why?"

"Oh have a dimple" I replied meekly

That confused looked turned into an amused smile.

"So, so what if I have a dimple?"

He was grinning broadly at me now, showing off that cute dimple.

"I'm err... a sucker for dimples, aah stop smiling!"

He was laughing now, and soon, so was I. The teacher had finished talking and everyone was working while we were laughing away. Eventually the laughing eased to a stop. I braved myself up my asking.

"Well, I told you something that I love, now you gotta tell me something, you know so you don't use it as blackmail."

He cocked his head and said.

"Curls, I love curls" He said smiling again and flicking his hair in the way that I loved

"Seriously? I always thought it resembled a bird's nest to be honest" I said frowning.

He chuckled lightly at that.

"No not a bird nest, just out of control, that's why I love it, you get all these other girls like Kate, who have that brittle, flat, straight, boring hair.

"Thanks" I said shyly, god since when have I been shy around boys? Probably since they i.e. Bastian started showing interest. Christ Alexa, pull yourself together, he's just looking for friendship, nothing else. I realized everyone had started working, and me and Bastian were still just sitting there, while everyone gave us suspicious looks, wanting to hear our conversation and know what all the laughing was about.

"C'mon. Enough chitchat lets gets started."

He nodded in agreement. We grabbed some paints, and an artists painting (van Gogh-starry night) to copy and do our own interpretations on and headed back to our table, glancing at the picture he had chosen I noticed we had picked the same one, well this orta be interesting I thought. He didn't say anything, while he painted, obviously he was so engrossed in his drawing, so I decided not to bother him, and started on mine..

I began with pencilling the outline then, and then when I was happy with that I began adding the base coat of paint, and so on. I was good at art, very good in fact, I was down as 'talented' in this subject, but i wasn't to keen on copying artist work, simply because I know it will never be as good as the original. I prefer to go off and do my own drawing completely, but i tried especially hard to day though. My stroked of paint were slow and controlled rather than my usual frantic manor.

When I had finished I placed my paintbrush on the table, and glanced for the first time at Bastian's now finished work since I began my own painting. It was friggin amazing to put it lightly, it looked perfect not a single mistake, the blue he had manage to create was so real, and powerful. The detail he had gone to, He looked up and I realized my jaw was hanging wide open; I mentally kicked myself, why do I have to be such a dork?

"You paint like you've being doing it for a lifetime" I thought I saw I flicker of fear in his eyes, but it vanished so quickly I must have been imagining things.

"Nah, I just paint a lot in my free time, amongst other things though, besides, yours is amazing too, mines neat and precise where yours is almost messy but on purpose, and you have still managed to put great detail into it, and the affect is astounding.

I was surprised by his comment, clearly my attempted slow specific swipes didn't make any difference, doesn't matter though I was proud none the less that he liked it. We smiled at each other once more, then he bell went and it was time for break, I quickly packed up. And as I headed for the door, Kate barged pass knocking me, making everything fall to the floor, I glared up at her through my thick curls.

"Oh sorry, as usual I didn't see you" Her posse all laughed in unison. Bastian came to my rescue though and helped me collect my things.

"Bastian you don't have to help the poor, it's vice versa"

"Actually it's called manors, but obviously you were too busy applying your mums make up as a child to learn any."

I had to try hard not to laugh at her face. But everyone else didn't even bother covering it up, and laughed out loud. Her comeback was.

"F.Y.I I ccan afford my own makeup"

"Well that was lame" Bastian replied sounding amused.

She just gave me one last glare, another attempt to attract Bastian, and stormed out of the classroom like she just found out she wasn't getting pony for Christmas.

"Why do you keep sticking up for me?" i asked Bastian in confusion.

"Because you're my first friend here, and that's what my friends do" he smiled lightly.

You hear that Alexa-friends and nothing more.

"Oh, well, just so you know, you're my first friends. Like Ever" The word 'friend' felt strange on my tongue and sounded weird coming out of my mouth.

"Well I've always been home schooled, I've never had any friends either"

This news came as a surprise. As we walked up towards the courtyard.

"Seriously? How come?" I though he wasn't gonna answer when he just said.

"I never got the option to go to school"

I was going to ask why, but I thought t might be private.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2010 ⏰

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