Chapter 1

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Hey. Thankyou for reading this. Its my first try at my own story, and i apolagize for any mistakes, as i am sure there are many, i am useless at corrected my own work. leave a comment. and make some suggestions my all means. Thankyou again. Meghan

I hated science; it should have been all test tubes containing multicoloured liquids that go bang, like every kid imagines where they're in primary school. But all I got today was two hours listening to my teacher, Mrs. Greene ramble on about polymers as my butt goes numb while sitting on a hard plastic stool.

To my right, a guy called Toby sat, drawing pointlessly at the back of his notebook. To my left Robb sat slouched on his stool, with his head resting the table, probably sleeping, it wouldn't be the first time. I sighed deeply, and glanced around the boring lab; everyone else seemed half asleep too. Looking out the huge windows, I saw storm clouds. Well that cheered me up a bit, for some reason storms had always fascinated me, the way the lightning cracked and the thunder rumbled, and the fresh earthy smell you got afterwards. Just then, the clouds finally burst letting the rain beet heavily against the windows and roof, making a relaxing drum beat. All this change of whether didn't seem so startle the students, or falter the teacher, they just carried on as usual.

I forced my eyes away from the window, and a least tried to pay attention to what the teacher was saying, but all of her words seem to blend into one. I was just staring at the board blankly when I felt an overwhelming pain behind my eyes, then nausea came over me, my head was pounding, I tried not to flinch or show any sign of what I was feeling. I shot my hand in the air so fast; I'm surprised I didn't rise off my seat. No one ever puts their hand up in this lesson, and Mrs. Greene never asks, so when she turned to face me, I could see the look of confusion and surprised look on her face. Before she could say anything, I quickly said.

"Can I please leave I'm not feeling to good"

At the sound of my voice everyone seemed to 'wake up' from their day dreams, their expression mirrored the teachers. Looking towards the Mrs. Greene again, she just nodded slightly, still in shock, wasting no time; I practically jumped of my seat, which a bad idea as my head felt as though it was about to split. I grabbed my bag and trying not to wince, I walked quickly but carefully in my tight skirt.

Beads of sweat were gathering on my forehead, I was finding it harder and harder to walk, as my legs became shaky. But finally I reached the girls toilets. I pushed the door open with my shoulder, the stumbled in front of a sink and mirror; looking into my reflection I saw that my usually tanned complection had become ghostly white. My green eyes had become darker, and they seemed too large for a face, and my lips looked swollen and red. And my dark auburn hair was messy and it stuck to my forehead. I looked tired, I tried smiling, but it looked forced and unnatural. Despite my current state I was pretty, but I was the weird one, the loner. No boy would date me, Alexa Dunne, incase I ruined their reputation.

I realized that the nausea had subsided and my legs weren't as shaky. But I still had the headache. Looking into the mirror once more and sighed, it was almost the end of school, so I might as well jut go home now, no one's gonna miss me, I thought bitterly.

As soon as I walked out of the school gates, I could hear the school bell ring and I was instantly soaking wet, ignoring the cold I walked home.

I kept repeating the same question in my head. What the hell happened today? There is no reason why that should have happened, I had breakfast this morning, i did go to bed late, but not any later than usual. Pushing the surreal experience to the back of my head, I entered the gates of the orphanage I've been living at since I was born. I haven't a clue who my parents were, or are, neither do the orphanage, I pestered the carers endlessly when I was younger, but they never gave me any information. I've come to the conclusion that they truly don't know anything about my family. They did say that they have tried tracing my relatives by using my name, but it was useless.

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