Surly you aren't seventeen

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Red spread across the town, flowing through main streets and dark alleyways. It was training day, the queen's guards were teaching the knight students battle skills. twelve year old Densa ran after the knights in training, trying to start to train. Getting shoved backward she eventually fell, the gravel scraped at her back and cut through her only school shirt. Densa pushed herself off the ground and stared at the small patch of blood where she had been lying,she picked up her weirdly shaped stick and climbed a tree to get to the front of the knights and guards in training. Everything fell quiet as the knights of Helmber walked in, one spotted Densa and called her up to the big stone.

"Kid, you seem far too young for training, surely you aren't seventeen"

Densa shook her head, knowing she wasn't aloud to train until she passed exams, but she was board, and after nine years of testing she was ready as she had ever felt.

"I'm twelve, b-but I have a weapon" she shook pointing her stick at the knight.

Everyone laughed, wind blew at her fringe, lifting it up to reveal four blazing eyes. She pointed her stick at the knight and wisped, the stick turned into a glistening green sword, ivy was engraved into both sides with a wooden handle.The knights of Helmber tried to grasp her but she pointed her sword at them and they flinched away in fear.

"Do you believe me now?!" she yelled in her small voice.

For a kid with a stick and amber eyes, Densa sure did scare the life out of most of the towns folks. Children with four eyes were quite rare.

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