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To bear a child could have been the happiest day of a parent's life but not for sex god Kendrick and sex goddessTiana.

Each god and goddesses could bear only one child and every child born were already destined for each other. One paired with another.

But the number was odd and Kendrick and Tiana were the last couple to bear a child, leaving their daughter Venus unpaired. This brought grief to their heart. They knew that as soon as they bear a child, their immortality will be gone and soon face death like the growing populations of humans on earth.

"God master, there should be a way to break this spell. Our angel couldn't live a life for years alone!" goddess Tiana said crying out for hope.

"Tiana, immortality is a gift! Not a spell! Venus will be living in a human world being the only immortal with endless power, wealth and virginity until she finds the human who could teach her to love," the master answered.

"But Master, the humans are cruel. They don't know the real meaning of love and satisfaction!" Kendrick reacted.

"Indeed! But remember that Venus do and only needs to find that human who will feel the same to her too!"

"This is preposterous ! How long does she has to live to find one?" Tiana still with tears flowing down her cheeks asked.

"She only has 30 years with us to be taught and trained. As soon as the last second of that year ends, she'll wake up as 20 years old in the human world in a life the gods prepared for her. She'll live until 30 years old then wakes up to being 20 again in another life she should prepare for herself. The cycle will continue until she finds the one her heart and soul desires. And when she does, immortality will vanish and so as her powers."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2017 ⏰

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