"Wow, wow you can't come in here," amateur police officer confronts the boys stopping them at the door way.

"I'm Agent Phyllis and this is Agent Graham," Dean implied as they both pulled out their 'fake' FBI badges

"Oh, I, I'm sorry," the young man stuttered moving out of their way "I'm Officer Simms," he introduced himself pointing Sam and Dean in their direction

"Well Officer Simms what've you got for us?" Dean and Sam walked into a large dining room as they entered the sight of blood and body organs through Sam backwards a little. Not the mention to alarming smell of sulphur in the air.

"Two couples having a usual dinner at home get attack and left like this sir, we suspect mass murder sir," he shacked as he handed Dean his notes. Two dead bodies spread across the room like a moss pit; they couldn't even tell who was who expect for the heads on the dining room table next to each other presented like a meal, but their organs and blood painted the walls. Dean held his breathe and he moved in closer to get a better look at the heads.

"Female is Miss Grace Pelting and her boyfriend Chris Heartness," the young man was called over by another office and left Dean and Sam to investigate the heads on their own.

"Can you smell that?" Sam whispered to Dean

"Of course I can, its disgusting, pure sulphur everywhere," Dean looked around the room at the rest of the officers "They are acting as if they can't smell it," Dean curious went over one of the officers as Sam tried EV on the room "Excuse me, Officer," as Dean tapped the officers shoulder the officer turned to display black dark eyes.

"SAM!" Dean yelled pulling out his gun shooting at the officer and turning to see that Sam had already been grabbed by one of the other demons, pulling a knife up to his neck.

"I wouldn't try anything Winchester," the demon said possessing Officer Simms pulling the knife closer to Sam's neck

Dean and Sam we surrounded by demons all the officers in the building were possessed.

"Looks like he was right you did come," officer Simms chuckles to himself

"Who?" Dean responded his voice filled with rage

"None of that is of your concern; you have the girl don't you?" Sam looking at the demon his bright smile fearful and insane

"CALL HER NOW AND BRING HER HERE," the demon commanded throwing Sam's phone at dean

"And what if I don't," Dean replied cocky his gun pointed at the demon holding the knife to Sam's neck

"I don't think you want to find out, NOW DO IT," he pulled the knife ever so closer to Sam's neck pricking him slightly.

Dean dialled the number of the motel and requested the room 203 waiting for Jane to pick up.


Jane had been seating up watching TV for a while now, nothing was really on but when she finally decided on Game of Thrones she started to fall asleep, just as she was about to enter dream land the phone rang.

"What the hell," she jumped not expecting it and ran over the phone

"Hello?" she answered but Dean didn't reply

"HELLO?" this time she yelled annoyed that they woke her from her sleep

"It's Dean," his voice was quite

"Oh Dean, what's up," again no reply

Jane began to worry, why was Dean calling her and why wasn't he replying

"Dean?" she asked worry in her voice

"Still here," he insured her his voice confident

"Well?" she wanted to know what was going on

"Can you get down here," he said slow and ferm

"Umm yeah okay where are you, is everything alright? Why do you need me?" she was abit nervous Dean sounded different

"We are at 72 Carlton Dr, can you get here in 5 minutes, it's not far from the motel?"

"Yeah sure bu," she was interrupted by the sound of a dead dial, he hung up on her. She quickly grabbed her blade and ran out the door, locking it behind her.

'Cab, Cab, I need a cab' she kept on thinking to herself. She didn't know why she was so worried and nervous, maybe it was the sound in Deans voice he sounded distort angry but more angry than usual. She jumped at the first cab she saw and was soon enough at 72 Carlton Dr.

'Where is everyone' she thought looking around at the police cars.

She soon saw the impala and gathered that the guys must be inside, hesitant at first she ventured in.

"Dean? Sam?" she called for them as she entered the house, everything was quite to quite and there so no signs of any officers

"In here sweetheart," she heard a strange voice coming from the dining room, it was Sam or Dean she knew that for a fact it was high and sarcastic it sounded like one of those mad scientists you seen on all those children cartoons. But somehow, someway it sounded familiar to her. She walked in wary holding the blade hard in her hands.

She was greeted by Officers their eyes darkened and Sam and Dean typed up to chairs with tap around there mouths and guns pointed at their heads.

The demon possessing officer Simms smiled and chuckled "Well hello there, it's been a while,"

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