"Why are you sad" I was confused at first but then remembered the bond.

"The past" I lied a little. Sam was looking at me as I was on the phone.

"Oh ok, sorry I can feel what you feel." I smiled a bit.

"Thanks ,but I have to go ok." He laughed.

"Ok I will stop by later" When he said later he meant around 2 o'clock in the morning. I hung up the phone.

"Can you take me home" I asked Sam still sad from what happened. He nodded and took my hand.

We pulled up at my house. I laughed remembering every time he would take me out on a date and we ended up making out in the car.

"What" Sam smiled.

"I was just remembering the times we use to go out on dates. " I laughed but he took my hand.

"Look I messed up in the past and I want to be with you. The memories we shared can now be our future." I shook my head.

" I have a b-boyfriend" it was hard to get the words out of my mouth.

"Wait your still dating that guy after what he did." I laughed.

"I did the same for you Sam." I got out of the car and slammed the door.

Sam didn't say anything, I knew I made him think. I got into my house and clasped on the bed.

Its been a week since I saw Sam. He hasn't texted or called. Spring break is over sadly. I've seen Darren but try to stay away from him. I don't like being his mate. I want out of this stupid drama.

I was at the Orange County Café. I came here to study for my civics test. I see Calvin and..Carter walk in. I didn't know Carter knew Calvin. Carter sat next to me and Calvin sat across from me.

"I didn't know you two knew each other. " They both laughed.

"Well babe you see I know everyone." Calvin said and I blushed at him calling me babe.

"I heard you and Sam had an argument" Carter asked and I frowned. Argument, we didn't have one.

"We didn't I just told him off" I said simply looking back at my book. He lifted my head up.

"Well that's sexy" I had a confused look but them he blinked two times and I understood what he ment. Sam had just walked in. Calvin tried to keep in his laughter.

"Hey" Sam came up to the table with his hands in the back pockets of his jeans.

I looked at Calvin who was about to explode with laughter. I started to stand up.

"And I was just leaving" I was about to walk off but Sam grabbed my arm. I thought of something quick. "Sam I have to go meet my boyfriend."

"Who" I had to think for a second. Then a name that I regretted saying slipped out.

"Darren" I said, that was the first name that came into my mind.

"DARREN!" Carter and Calvin choked up at the same time. I stood there clueless.

"Yes Darren.....wait aren't you his friend Calvin. " I remembered seeing him with all the guys at the beach party.

"Well yeah but I thought you were dating Asher." My eyes widened.

"Ash is my best friend not boyfriend" Calvin started to laugh.

"Well he likes you...a lot." I blushed at the thought of it but I was kinda with Darren I guess.

"I never knew you had a boyfriend" Carter interpreted. I nodded. Of course he didn't know we just talked today!

"Well I have to go so...." I started to walk of but Sam grabbed me again.

"Wait at least let me explain. " Carter sunk in his chair and Calvin rolled his eyes.

"No by-" I heard my phone ring.....it was Darren...PERFECT! I answered the phone.

"What" I was annoyed by everyone.

"Well someones not happy" I rolled my eyes at him. He started to talk again. "What are you doing." I sighed

" Nothing..... .now bye" I hung up. I really didn't want to be bothered.

I looked at Sam but then turned to Calvin.

"You guys wanna go penny boarding." Calvin jumped up with excitement and I laughed.

"Let me go get my board" And he ran out the café.

"I gotta get going but you have to give me a hug first." Carter said , I just laughed and nodded.

Carter ran up to me ,picked me up and twirled me around. Finally he put me on the ground and kissed my forehead. I just stood there and smiled.

I look at Sam who looked like he wanted to cry. Thats the same way I looked when I saw him making out with another girl. Tears came to my eyes thinking of it.

"I-I gotta go" I ran out the café and grabbed my penny. I left Sam standing there speechless.

Calvin and I penny boarded till 9 pm. We joked around and stuff. it was fun to hang out with him.

Ugh why can't everyday be like this....Carefree.

My classmate's a vampireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora