Forgiveness //Part 2//|6|

Start from the beginning

"Why do I have to buy new clothes? We spent almost the whole day here!" I whined, slouching as I trudged behind Ana towards the parking lot.

"I already told you, (Y/N). Being a superior means you'll have to look like a superior. Especially since we'll be attending several conventions and formal parties among politicians," she aswered as she got into the car. I followed quickly, shock written all over my face.

"WE HAVE TO GO TO SOCIAL EVENTS?!" I screamed in disbelief, the statement reverberating through out the whole parking lot Ana grins and nods, making me slump onto the seat with a groan.

She laughed, knowing full well that I hate formal events. Those things bore me to death, speaking with commissioners and politicians, trying to look interested. It's a drag to even try. I can't fathom how they can bare to listen to anything they have to say.

The way back home was silent. It was the comfortable kind of silence, though. Halfway through the ride, Ana asked me to sing something. I was hesitant, but knowing Ana, she won't stop until I do, so...

Ana swayed along with the beat, a smile of satisfaction on her face. It was peaceful for the rest of the ride, occasional humming coming from humming from either Ana or me even after I finished singing.

When we arrived back at base, Ana locked her arm with mine, leading me straight to my room. Apparently, we wanted to "dress me up" or something. Ofcourse, I whined and complained, not wanting to participate in another torture session with Ana.

As we walked around the base, I couldn't help but feel that everyone was really tense. It was quite unnerving, but it could just be all in my head. We were moving really quick after all.


"Ana!" I whined, "Can we stop now? OW!" Ana's relentless. She's been tugging, twisting, brushing, and tying my hair like it's her next big masterpiece. She made me wear the black jumpsuit we bought a while ago and lent me her black sandals. This is getting ridiculous.

"Why are you doing this to me?!" I yell, seriously annoyed. I just wanted to sleep my day away... How did I end up looking like some sort of duchess?!

Ana started braiding another section of my hair, trying to make every twist and turn perfect. "Oh come on, (Y/N). Humor me. You can't leave me all dressed up alone," she said, finishing off my hairdo with a black rose hair pin. I'll admit though. It looks really good.

I turned my head from side to side, trying to look at myself from different angles. "I'll admit, Ana. You're pretty good at this. Where did you learn how to do this?" I was about to pull a small section of my hair to the front when Ana slapped my hand away. I hissed a little and stuck my tongue out at her.

"I use to dress Fareeha a lot, and she would react the exact same way as you did," she told me, taking a dress she bought for herself out of the shopping bag. She cut the tag off with her teeth and headed to the bathroom to change. She went ahead and spoke to me while she was behind the closed door, "You are a very beautiful lady, (Y/N). I want you to know that and show it."

I sigh. I don't want to believe it, but I can't tell Ana she's wrong either. She'll have my head if I do. "Yeah, sure," I say loud enough for her to hear.

I read my book for about 15 minutes before Ana came out in a striking blue dress. I stand up and gawk. "You look amazing, Ana!" I clap my hands once. I find she also has her hair in a fancy braid. She chuckles at my compliment, then slowly walks toward me. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she looks like a lion about to pounc-

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