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Chapter one New home
Draco the Dragonborn Argonian Knight clad in heavy dragonbone armor was currently walking through the forest in search of a place to sleep for the night since he got separated from his unit. Draco was the youngest Warden commander in the knight army being only eighteen years old and already leading a full battalion of Knights that listen to him without any questions. (This is what Draco looks like. He has sky blue eyes. Red scales and three scars on the left side of his face. He was was scratched by a wolf and the middle scar goes over his left eye.)

Draco was scouting out an enemy camp and got separated from his team when they had to split up before they were almost caught by them

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Draco was scouting out an enemy camp and got separated from his team when they had to split up before they were almost caught by them. So the team ran in all different directions saying they would meet back at the camp as soon as they could. But the moon started to come out so he decided to lay low in the nearest cave that he could find without being caught by the enemy. When he entered the cave to rest he noticed a light at the end of the cave. Draco thought'What could that be?' So he cautiously walked towards it just incase it was a trap. As he walked closer towards it he was intoxicated by the glowing light. Causing him to be compelled to touch the light. Once he touched the light a bright flash erupted throughout the entire cave. But once it was gone so to was Draco never to be seen again in this universe. In the Rwby universe both team Rwby and team JNPR were collecting the relics that professor ospin told them to find. Ruby"We did it we found the relics!" Weiss"Now all we have to do is make it back to the cliffs without being killed by those grim." She said sarcastically. Yang"Don't be such a Debbie downer ice queen we can do this!" Yang smiled after she yelled that. Just after she yelled that a portal opened up above the deathstalker twenty feet in the air. Everyone saw that and out came a person covered in knight armor and hit the ground making a small crater. Draco got up as the two creatures started to make their way over to him and he said"What happened? Where am I?" Ruby"Hey you run away!" Draco turned around and saw the death stalker right behind him about to strike him with its tail. Draco raised his sword called Dragonbane and blocked the attack successfully. Draco"I don't know what the hell you are. But you just fricken pissed me off!" Draco then pushed the beast back and sent wind magic threw the blade. Once it was completely covered in wind magic he yelled the blade with both hands and made a vertical slash motion sending a crescent wind blade right at the deathstalker cutting it clean in half. Everyone was surprised at that but they weren't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. As he killed a powerful grim with one swing of his Dragonbane sword both teams readied themselves for battle. The sword is a silver steel double edged long sword at a length of five feet long and is three sixteenths inch thick with with three ovals on each side of the blade each two inches separated from each other and each one is five inches long and two sixteenth inches in width. The Handel is made for both single handed and double handed wielding. The Handel is made of silver like steel with a dragon scale pattern on it. The pommel itself is made of black steel in the shape of a dragon's head with it bearing its teeth and dark red eyes. Finally the guard of the sword has one dragon head on each side of it both four inches long and curving up to the blade in a ninety degree angel. Both heads are just like the pommel of the sword but their mouths are closed and not showing their teeth. He also has a secondary weapon that he likes to call the fallen angel cane sword.(I'm just borrowing the design of the weapon from a very cool video that I saw on YouTube so all of the credit for the weapon goes to the person who made the video. Go watch it when you can it is awesome. But I worn you the ending of the video is pretty creepy.)


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Draco looked at the eight people who were preparing to fight the giant bird creature flying above them

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Draco looked at the eight people who were preparing to fight the giant bird creature flying above them. Draco thought'We need to find higher ground to fight that thing.' Draco waved at the eight people that are around his age and yelled"Fallow me!" They were a bit hesitant at first but still they fallowed Draco as his instincts told him were to go to fight the giant bird creature. As they ran ruby said"Hey were are we going?" Draco"My instincts are telling me that we need to head this way if we want a real chance against that thing!" Yang"How will we know if we found it?" Just after she said that they exited the forest and saw a giant ruined castle.(The one from the episode where the teams started to actually work together.) Yang"Never mind." They ran right towards the castle just as the nevermore was flying over them and landed just on the cliff in front of them. Draco"Hide!" JNPR went to the left while Draco went with team RWBY and hid on the right. Weiss"What are we going to do now?!" Draco looked at the Nevermore and then heard another death stalker coming out from the forest. Draco"RUN!" Then everyone started to head straight towards the broken bridge. Once they were on the bridge the second death stalker used its tail and broke the bridge sending team JNPR to it and Draco and team RWBY into the castle. The teams and Draco readied themselves for battle against the creatures of Grimm that want to end their lives. But they were ready. This is what they trained for all their lives.

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