Chap. 7

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It's been a week since me and Rylee met. We have learned quite a bit about each other in this week of knowing each other. 

His dog really is just a big baby and never means any harm. His favorite color is grey. He has six siblings and he is the fourth child. Four of them are girls and two of them are his brothers, this makes a total of seven kids all together counting himself. I only have a little sister who is fifteen. He is from a small town in South Dakota only a few hours away from my home town. He changed his choice of career paths in college three times. The first time he was going to become an English teacher, the second time he wanted to be a business owner, and then the last time he decided on becoming an editor. There is so so so much more I've learned.

On Friday night he stayed at my house, we laid on top of my roof all night and we talked all night long, for hours and hours and hours.

"I don't see how you just drink plain old black coffee." Rylee spoke as we sat at a little local coffee and donut shop.

"I don't see how you drink... Whatever that is." I waved my hands at his fancy sugar filled coffee.

"At least we agree on donuts." He spoke as he bit down into a donut.

"Glazed donuts are the best kind of donuts." I spoke copying his action.

"For sure." he spoke with a mouthful.

I finished chewing my donut, I took a big swollow and began to speak, "What are we doing today?"

"Do you want to go to the city and see Broadway!?" He spoke excitedly with food still in his mouth.

"Chew your food first please or we aren't going to be doing anything besides sitting in a hospital because you choked on a donut."

"You don't have to go to the hospital for choking. Unless, no one can get the food out." he laughed to hard about this.

"Your an odd ball."

"I know. But, I remember you saying that you've never seen any of New Yorks great attractions. So... Let's go see Broadway."

"I guess if I'm going to live in New York I have to see what everyone loves about it."

"When we get there we can see what shows are going on and watch a Broadway block buster!"

"Dude... Please contain yourself." I spoke as he got more and more excited, "or we won't do anything besides stay on this boring island all day."

"Your no fun." He sat back down and crossed his arms and pouted his lips.

"Aren't you supposed to be a twenty-seven year old grown man?"

"Men mature slower than women do."

"Really? Don't use that excuse."

"Why not? It's a good one." We both laughed.

"Let's go get ready. Shall we?"

"We shall."


"What do I even wear!?"

"How about jeans and a t-shirt?"


"Then wear... this sunflower dress."


"WILL YOU PLEASE HURRY UP!?" Rylee screamed as he walked out of my room and down the hall I'm guessing to the kitchen.

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