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I was running.

My legs were burning red hot and beginning to prick with numbness but I couldn't stop. This was my chance, to run, to rid myself of that house.

I heard him following me through the thick foliage for awhile but he was a big burly heap of a man, and I was small and ready to run. I slipped around trees and found small openings in the brush. I fought against thorn bushes and hit a clearing.

He could've stopped following me two minutes ago or maybe ten I couldn't tell. My head was heavy and my ears were ringing and I finally stopped, still under the coverage of the trees.

I collapsed on the ground and all the muscles in my legs and arms tightened and burned. My lungs were on fire and I was heaving in breathes of air but there was something that gave me peace.

I didn't hear a thing.

No shouts of anger or heavy falls of footsteps. No one coming for me. I heard my breathes and the beautiful sweet sound of the frogs and crickets hiding out around me.

I sighed and finally I began to feel my body again. Shedding a few tears I got up and limped my way into the clearing.

I looked up at the sky, the moon full and bright, the stars twinkling all around in a beautiful display.

I closed my eyes and sobbed for myself and this fücked up situation I was in. Dirty, hurt, lost somewhere in the woods but hopefully far from the man that liked to beat on girls. I'll take this death over death by his hand any day.

I heard something then, a faint crack of a leaf or twig and I spun around. It was silent for a few moments and I frantically looked through the trees before I saw it.

A wolf. It's head rose as our eyes met and its eyes flashed. My eyes widened and I gasped, holding my breathe, I swore it grinned at me before it launched itself toward me.

What can I even do? A wolf? Really God, why me?!

I raised my arm to protect myself the only I way I could. It barreled into me and flung me a distance away and I landed face down on the ground, panting for air.

"Aye, yer a pretty one there aren't yeh?" the sudden voice made me jump. It was gravelly and cruel, not his though. I didn't know this voice.

"Now what's a lass like you doin' out in the woods at this wee hour, aye?" I looked up and saw a man with dirt covered skin, a piece of clothe hung around his waist.

I was terrified and confused. Who was this man and where did the wolf go?

"I-I was trying to run away- I escaped from a bad man." I rushed out, scared out of my mind at what was happening.

"Aye, that's quite unfortunate to hear lassy. But, yer not doin' too great out here either." he let out a horrid cackle and then there was a cracking sound.

I flipped onto my back and watched in horror as the man before me growled and twitched. His bones were moving and pushing under his skin, hair sprouting quickly over his body.

The popping noises stopped and I couldn't stop the whimper that escaped as I saw the same wolf as before replace the man.

I was stuck, too horrified to move from my place on the ground. My mind was whirling and I felt suddenly nauseous. How is this possible?

I scrambled back, my body and mind screaming at me. My hands scoured the dirt and grass around me. Nothing. My hands found nothing and the wolf only crept closer.

I continued my frantic scrambling and then- there. A stick. My hand trembled but I gripped it hard right as the wolf lunged forward.

I swung the decent sized branch, knocking his head to the side. It didn't do much to stop him and he only jumped toward me again.

I felt pain flair down into my shoulder and I couldn't help but scream this time. The wolf had his teeth lodged into me and crunched down again and with it I saw stars.

I had to try again. I prayed and I begged that this wasn't how I left this world, with a life like this, in a vicious way like this. I grunted and with the last bit of strength I had I shoved the end of the branch into the stomach of the wolf.

My vision was blurring and I shoved it further, hoping it did something. The wolf whined and bit harder. My vision and mind went black and with it my body was no longer my own.

I was so... tired.

Somewhere I heard something but I couldn't quite make it out. My body was limp and my mind was a fog of nothing. I was dropped, my body hitting the ground but I couldn't feel it anymore.

My eyes fluttered open and above me, shining clear and full, the moon called to me.

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