we could go to the moon

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"can we go to the moon?"

geoff was taken aback by the sudden question; awsten had kept to themselves all morning despite not wanting to. geoff could tell their forced silence was driving them crazy, by their anxiously bouncing leg and tugging at their shirt collar.

he set down his phone, staring at awsten with a questioning look. they only stared back, biting their lip nervously.

"why do you want to go to the moon, babe?" was geoff's only response, genuinely wondering why awsten sprung this idea onto him.

awsten shrugged, staring down at their empty plate thoughtfully. "i've always wanted to go..."

they sounded timid at first. it's unusual for awsten to shy away like this, usually they're constantly rambling on about ideas of space and aliens.

"it just... it seems so great! like, it's up there in the sky watching over us every night..." awsten spoke as if they
were in some sort of dream, dragging their fork around in the leftover syrup on their plate.

"people have landed on the moon before!" awsten exclaimed after a few beats of silence.

"seemed a bit fake though..." geoff whispered to himself. awsten caught on almost immediately and playfully slapped the back of geoff's hand, giggling in the process.

awsten gripped their mug covered in golden stars, leaning back in their seat. "don't say that."

geoff smiled at the adorable person across from him, tilting his head to the side.

"we'll do whatever you want, my love."

unfortunately for geoff and awsten, they had no way to get to the moon. as much as geoff wants awsten to be happy and experience the moon in a closer vicinity than peering up at it nearly every night, they're only high schoolers who don't exactly know what they're doing.

geoff can't take awsten on the roof and tell them to pretend like they're slowly traveling towards the moon, because they go up to the roof every night.

awsten treats their stargazing as a new adventure every single night, even though hardly nothing changes, in geoff's opinion. to awsten, the entire world changes and it's amazing and beautiful.

they often point out the shadow on the moon and the difference in stars and if the clouds are blocking the view or not.

all geoff sees is the beautiful observant person next to him.

he wants to give said beautiful observant person the entire galaxy, because that's what they love the most, even if they've told geoff multiple times that he is their galaxy.

"i can fit the entire galaxy in my hands!" awsten had shouted suddenly, turning to geoff with a surprised expression.

geoff quickly became confused. "baby, isn't that sort of impossible—"

awsten proved him wrong when they cupped geoff's face in the palms of their hands, giggling happily in their seat in geoff's lap.

"you are my galaxy," awsten had explained with a kiss to geoff's nose.

awsten calling geoff their galaxy became another way of saying i love you without saying those three words exactly. in fact, awsten has never said i love you out loud without finding another way to say it. nonetheless, geoff still felt mushy whenever awsten said such sweet things like that.

and maybe awsten cried when geoff first told them he loves them under a million stars, but that's definitely not something geoff enjoys talking about often, not at all.

we could go to the moon | gawstenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz