A home

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There's AN on the end of the chapter :)


Harry at first was petrified. He immediately decided that he absolutely hate apparating. After few minutes green colour washed off his face he was mostly okay.

"So sorry Harry, I should warned you." Said Sirius with apology in his voice.

"Its fine" Harry answered still feeling a little bit sick.

"You must have one of the most durable stomach that I've ever seen." Remus laughed.

"But never mind, Harry, we are here. Look."

Sirius showed on the house in front of them. It was not big, either small house. It had two floors. Façade was coloured into gentle yellow colour. In front garden was a lots of bushes and flowers. Birds and insects were flying freely around. It looked like it was alive, and very wild.

"Are you okay pup? You seemed very quiet." Asked worried Remus.

"I'm okay..." said Harry still watching house with amazement.

"Like it?" Sirius said.

"I love it."

Sirius put Harry down and they entered into the house. Even inside, house was very welcoming. Entering hall was peach colour. On the left was a huge fireplace. In front of them was a staircase which lead upstairs. Sirius took him in the kitchen which was on their right. It was as welcoming as Entering hall. It was quite simple, with simple garniture. Under window was a table with four chairs. Remus chuckled on Harry's still awed expression. He took three cups from shelves.

"How 'bout some tea after tour around the house?" he asked Sirius.

"I think it's great." Said Sirius "C'mon Harry. Want walk on your own, or?"

Harry would like Sirius to pick him up, he felt safe in his arms, but he didn't dare. Dursley's never carried him, they said he was too bad and that he didn't deserve it. He shook his head. Sirius said that next to the living room was a bathroom. They together entered living room which was placed a little bit down the hall. It was light gold colour. Red sofa was placed the way that you look toward small fireplace. Comfy armchair stood next to it. On walls were placed many beautiful pictures on nature and animals, but the most fantastic part was that they are moving!, thought Harry.

"Ready for moving a floor up?" asked Sirius.

"Em, sir, can you tell me please, where in cupboard under stairs?" said Harry quietly as they walked in the hall again.

"There's no cupboard, Harry." Answered Sirius confused.

"But, where will I sleep then?"

"In your room, silly." Sirius let chuckle escape his lips.

"I have my own room?"

"Yes..." now Sirius was becoming very concerned for Harry, "Harry, can you tell me where you slept at Dursley's.

"In a cupboard." Harry answered as it was a matter of fact.

Sirius felt his anger rising once again, but he calmed himself down. He took a deep breath and picked Harry up. He looked into Harry's emerald green eyes.

"Harry James Potter, you will never, and I mean never again sleep in the cupboard. Understand?"

Harry nodded on that and smiled while his cheeks painted with red colour. They went upstairs and Sirius explained him that his (Sirius's room) was first door right, Harry's room was across Sirius's room and the quest room was down the hall. There was a bathroom next to Harry's room and Studies were in between Sirius's and guest's room.

"Where's Remus's room?" asked Harry confused.

"Remus doesn't live here. But I promise, he'll visit us. Now I think it will be fair if you see your room.

Harry's room was light blue with red furniture. Small bed was placed under window and night table next to it. Worktable was on the opposite side. Box for toys was placed in between while wardrobe was next to the door. Shelves were placed above the worktable. Harry just stood there petrified. His room was even bigger than Dudley's is! He was enthusiastic because he now had his own bed, toys, room. He hugged Sirius tightly around his neck.

"Thank you" he murmured.

Sirius placed light kiss on Harry's head.

"You're welcome pup. I'll do anything for you. Now let's go downstairs, I believe that our tea is ready."

They went downstairs and Remus waited them at the living room.

"I was just coming to get you two. What do you think Harry?"

"It's great." He said quietly.

Conversation was full of laughter and crazy stories about Marauder's time at Hogwarts. Their conversation also expended on the dinner. Bought Remus and Sirius noticed that Harry was still very quiet and shy. As Harry started yawning Remus looked toward watch. In was already nine o'clock.

"I believe it's time for bed." Joked Sirius.

He picked Harry up. They went toward Harry's room while Remus went into the kitchen. As Sirius came to the doors of Harry's room, he looked at Harry only to find him fast asleep.

"Well, I believe we can skip the bath tonight." He chuckled.

Sirius went quietly in the room and placed Harry on the bed. First he transfigured his clothes into comfortable pyjama. He slowly moved bangs and revealed lightning bolt scar. He placed kiss on the forehead.

"Welcome home buddy."

He tiptoed out of the room and went into the kitchen. Remus sat at the table. He looked up as Sirius walked into the room.

"We need to talk" they said together.


I'm alive! So sorry it took so long to publish next part, but here it is now! I had a huge writer block and I had been concentrating on my own novel sooo, hope you forgive me! I'll try to update as soon as possible! Love you all and thank you on reading and voting and commenting! You are amazing! Till the next time! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2017 ⏰

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