New clumsy friend

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"But professor, it was not my fault. I was just want to take some ingre-"

"Shut it immediately miss Tonks if you don't want some extra punishment. Now sit on the bed and wait Madam Pomfrey. I'm sure that she is get used to you."

"That's not..., I think. Sir! Oh come on, who is now childish! Sir, listen- and he's gone."

These voices were pounding in Harry's head. He woke up from his sleep, but his eyelids seems too heavy. A fear surged through him, was everything before his sleep only his imagination?

He was listening conversation between, he guessed grown up man and a girl. No, that can't be nor uncle Vernon, nor aunt Petunia. Maybe it wasn't a dream. He opened his eyes and look around. Around his bed were curtains. But there wasn't Padfoot. Did he leave him?

But, who was that girl who he heard before. He reached forward curtains when someone's head showed up. The girl had very, but very pink hair, mischievous smile and playful glance. Harry jumped from her a little. Her hair suddenly turned black and her eyes green.

"Hello!" she said smiling very wide.

"Hey", Harry answered shyly.

"You are really young. Obviously, you are not a student, so... why are you here?"

Harry was just looking at her, not sure what to say. She was still looking at his with interest on her eyes. Once again, her hair turned pink and her eyes in some shade of brown. She passed curtains and sit on his bed crossing her legs, still looking at Harry. She had her hand in her lap. It was unusually green colour. He bit his lip not sure what to say.

"Well it seems I will go first. My name is Tonks and I am first year. I am 11 years old. And.... Well that's it." She notice that he was looking at her arm. "Oh, yeah... It's a long story, you see. In my potion class I, no floor tripped over me and I fall down. In the fall, I pulled cauldron whit half-finished potion. The potion shed over my hand and professor brought me here. That slimy bat. But never mind, what i-"

"Miss Tonks, not again. This is the third time this week."

Madam Pomfrey stepped out of her office. There was expression of annoyance on her face. Tonks just smiled with smile which she taught it was adorable, but she just make a grimace.

"Just sit on the bed and let see what this time is the problem."

"Well floor tripped over me-"

"You slipped, all right continue." Said Madam Pomfrey while she was checking her arm.

"No, the floor tripped over me while I was trying to take some ingredients. In the fall I pulled cauldron with potion. That's all."

Madam Pomfrey just shook her head and she put some potion is the deep bowl. When she gave it to Tonks, she turned to Harry.

"And how are we today?"

"Fine than you."

While she was checking Harry, someone entered Hospital wing.

"Hello Harry"

"Hy Moony."

Remus smiled than he saw Tonks sitting on the bed with bowl in her lap.

"Well, hello you too Dora. Long to see you."

"I prefer Tonks, thank you very much."

"Sorry, but you will always be clumsy little one who fired a cake in my head.

"That was an accident."

Remus turned to Harry.

"On her 7th birthday, Padfoot, your dad and... and I were on her birthday party, since she is relative with Sirius, and she offered to help carry a cake. At the end, our little Dora has catapulted the cake into my face and-"

"Oh, yeah. That was hilarious."

Sirius entered the Hospital wing and come to sit next to Harry who was watching talk between Remus and Tonks.

"How are you felling Harry?"


"So, that is your name! Why are you so shy?"

Sirius suddenly started to acting surprise.

"Isn't that our legendary Nymphadora Tonks. Can you bring me a slice of cake, but stay away from our poor Remus as far as pos-"

He was shushed with a two pillows in the face which was thrown by Tonks and Remus. Now everyone were laughing very hard.

"I'm sorry Pup because I wasn't here, but Albus called me. He said if Poppy said that everything is fine we can go home. What do you think?"

Harry smiled on the word 'home'. He will finally will have home. He nodded happy. After three check-ups, Harry and Tonks were released from the Hospital wing.

"Hope to see you soon Harry. By Sirius, by Remus."

"By Dora!" they said united which made her furious.

Sirius and Harry in Remus's hands were walking toward the gate door.

"Ready?" asked Sirius when they exit the Hogwarts grounds.

"Ready" nodded Harry.

And with that, they apparated.

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