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I kid you not in this dream Bluestar4872 was there twice and jesus christ it was like so cute. If i remember correctly we were in a corner of your new houses sunroom and we were jusy there cuddling while you were reading and we eventually fell asleep and i kid you not when i woke up i felt such a warm feeling in my chest. It was truly a pleasant dream.

After I kept waking up in the middle of the night then came the next dream which was weird as hell. It was like I mix of all 5 schools I've been to. It was crazy cause some of my old teachers were there and it was so vivid. Alot of my current and old friends were there to but for some reason like I wasn't aloud to talk to them??? So after that I walked super far away from were everyone else was and I followed this random group of people and this random boy was full on holding my hand. I was ok with it for some reason?? Idk it was pretty weird.

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