"I'm honest" he said taking my hand from the keys

There was a minute of silence and I looked around the arena and remembered when I first met Zayn and the boys and now, just a day later, I was in Chicago with them. I looked over at Zayn to see him looking at me again and then I looked down and at the piano again

"I never got that hug ya know" he laughed

"Would you like it now?"

"Yes, I would in fact"

I hugged him still sitting down and once we separated I felt his hands still holding my waist, our foreheads touching lightly. A small laugh escaped my lips and before I knew it Zayn's lips were touching mine lightly. My heart was racing but I was happy and excited all at the same time. As we separated from the kiss we both smiled, our foreheads still touching.

"We should get back to the others" I laughed "They will get worried"

"Let them worry and find us then, you're leaving in the morning, I want to spend time with you alone" he said "It doesn't have to end tomorrow morning, you and Lex could stay with us all throughout the US tour"

"Yeah, cause my mom will definitely allow that" I laughed

"She could, just go to school tomorrow, get your homework and stuff for the next month and come with us, we don't have a show until Friday anyway" he told me

"I don't think the boys will like it"

"I won't mind, as long as Lex is with me" I heard Harry's voice say "Let's go! We have to get going back to the hotel" he said

Zayn got up and grabbed my hand as I got up too and we walked with Lex and Harry back to the vans in the parking lot. There's no way my mom would say yes that letting me go on the US tour with them. All I could do was hope.

We drove back to the hotel, the entire ride back Zayn's and my fingers were intertwined and we didn't let go until we had to go to our separate rooms. Before heading to bed I checked my twitter mentions

@gretalynn: @lonjo94 where are you? Haven't heard from you since the concert

@1Dlovesme: Zayn and his new girl? Maybe possibly? twitpic.com/9lr8qe

I clicked on the picture and saw Zayn and I walking into the hotel with out hands intertwined. Luckily it wasn't a picture from us at the arena.

I replied back to Greta that I would call her at lunch tomorrow if I wasn't already at school, which I doubted I would be. The next morning I woke up at it was eight a.m. I figured I should get my day going so I got out of bed and changed into my plain black yoga pants, a white tank top and Landon's purple Jack Wills hoodie that he left at my house the last time he came home from London. I walked out of my room to see Lex already awake sitting with Harry and Zayn at the stools.

"You're up early" I said to Lex as I walked over to Zayn "Good morning" I smiled bringing Zayn’s lips to meet mine

"Ready to go home?" Harry said handing me a coffee mug

"No, I don't want it to end, I was having so much fun!" I told him

"Well, if my plan works, you won't have to leave for long" Zayn said pulling me closely into his chest

"What plan?" Lex asked

"I'll tell you guys on the bus, along with everyone else" he said back to her

After we ate the breakfast Harry and Zayn ordered Lex and I started packing all our stuff to leave. I didn't want to go, this was a dream come true.

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